PianoTell Recital #1 Meta Feedback
@twocats - many thanks for that, I think I did it right...
Hah back at you! As of this morning 78 views of which only 30 are first impression. Normally that ratio would be more like 78 / 65.
Somebody must really like cat duets. To be honest though, the cat really did do a good job of coming in right on cue during the piece so maybe that's the reason.
I blame the cat. Just like I always do because it's usually right on the money. The way that works is; he either did it, or made me do it trying to stop him from doing it, or it happened merely because someone went by and thought, you know, if an orange cat were here...
Or it could just be coincidence and the algorithm working in harmony with the celestial symphony.
Nah, it was the cat.
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Lol!!! Don't Let me shatter your dreams... because I do believe the word "badge" might definitely be involved somewhere...
twocats Thinking maybe Schumann's Arabesque which I played at a piano playing thing last year. Hopefully it can be revived without very much effort!
Arabesque is not coming naturally to my fingers, needs more time than I have. But I remembered that I revived Rustle of Spring to play at a piano thing this past spring and can mostly still play it. And it's blessedly short! I'll work on it and then I'll get out my Zoom video camera so that it'll do justice to my nice piano
@Rubens it's on!!
Argh, I wish I could be part of the inaugural recital here, but I've come up extremely empty-handed this summer
Will double down for the next one, though. And that's the important thing, right? Not just that we have a successful recital (which it looks like we absolutely will!), but that it carries on as a standing tradition!
Gombessa awwwww I was hoping for some Joe Hisaishi or maybe Disney songs from you! Even if you've submitted something at PW before you could play it again for PT
But I totally get wanting to prepare and play something "properly" to submit. I have to get over my perfectionist tendencies and just throw something together (actually it's probably good for me to do it at the last minute so that I don't spend hours doing takes). I'm glad it's a casual and supportive environment and it's all just for fun!
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I'm just trying to figure out how to submit a recording. Can somebody redirect me to a post with all the instructions?
I have an mp3, and a Youtube link. I just want an easy way to post it with some info/comments. There are too many ways so I'm confused. For the next recital I want a sticky post with all the instructions.
Hey, both.
Submissions go here:
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
Serge88 Wow, that was beautifully played Serge88 (though I think perhaps you posted this on the wrong thread, so I'm unsure whether it will get added onto the official recital).
I loved the smooth gentle style of playing in the bulk of the piece, but for me the slightly staccato effect of the refrain was slightly overdone - although that's just my personal taste and not meant as criticism of your technique - you interpreted the piece in a very musical manner. Thanks for the special preview.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)
Well, I've just submitted something . No big virtuosic piece this time, but something.. special
. And not just from me. You'll see