
I don't understand the "placeholder" thing for the Dropbox so I'll just embed a Youtube link.

    Serge88 Wow, that was beautifully played Serge88 (though I think perhaps you posted this on the wrong thread, so I'm unsure whether it will get added onto the official recital).
    I loved the smooth gentle style of playing in the bulk of the piece, but for me the slightly staccato effect of the refrain was slightly overdone - although that's just my personal taste and not meant as criticism of your technique - you interpreted the piece in a very musical manner. Thanks for the special preview. 🙂

    "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

    Well, I've just submitted something 😅. No big virtuosic piece this time, but something.. special😅. And not just from me. You'll see😄

      @Serge88 I moved your recital submission to the right thread. It won't be visible to others until tomorrow, when the recital opens.

      @navindra I shadow-hid Serge88's recital submission to keep it invisible.

        Rubens I've just submitted something

        Yippeeeee! Here's my happy dance:

        Sophia To add some more peer pressure: at some point navindra mentioned a special award for anyone who participates in this first recital

        Yup! Still the plan. Everyone should hopefully get a badge for participating.

        However to relieve some of the time pressure on me, the badge will follow a couple of days later on the weekend. 🙂

        rsl12 Very resourceful, thank you.

        All submissions received.

          navindra to relieve some of the time pressure on me

          Haha no no don't get me wrong... the peer pressure was meant as a little carrot on a stick to encourage participation 🙂 Not pressure on you to get stuff one 😃

            Calavera It looks like most people who are participitating here have also submitted their recordings to PW anyway.

            Except for me! I uploaded a video link to the PT recital, but I'm not going to submit one to PW because I don't have time to deal with getting an mp3. 😅

            My recording isn't that good anyway... 😜

            Rubens I don't understand the "placeholder" thing for the Dropbox so I'll just embed a Youtube link.

            that's what I did -- hopefully I did it correctly!

              navindra In your submission, put <PT> as the placeholder for the performance.

              Navindra, I hope one day you'll explain to me this part of your instructions on submitting a file to the Dropbox link you provided, perhaps with an example. That's just too high tech for me.

                Rubens This came later.

                The original idea was that folks would submit videos to YouTube or Vimeo and share the link in the submission.

                That's all! Done.

                Later, there was feedback that some folks might only have MP3s and needed an easy way to upload it for the recital. Just like PW.

                So I provided a Dropbox link where MP3s can be uploaded to. As an alternative.

                The <PT> thing is nothing... it just indicates to me that I have to get the MP3 from Dropbox and update the submission with the correct link to the MP3 that was uploaded. 🙂

                  Calavera It looks like most people who are participitating here have also submitted their recordings to PW anyway

                  This is my first time participating in any online recital! Honestly it's @navindra's enthusiasm that encouraged me to decide to participate at the very last minute 😃

                    twocats I revived Rustle of Spring to play at a piano thing this past spring and can mostly still play it. And it's blessedly short! I'll work on it and then I'll get out my Zoom video camera so that it'll do justice to my nice piano 🙂

                    I did end up doing a bunch of takes and ended up keeping the last one, partly because the battery looked like it was going to run out 😂 It's not perfect but it's submitted!

                      twocats Usually my first take comes out pretty good (but not perfect) and I just gets worse from there ...

                      Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.