Wow! I officially declare that this recital is going to be amazing.

  1. Player1 β€” Energico by Nancy Faber
  2. rogerch β€” Improvisation 6 by rogerch
  3. keff β€” A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Manning Sherwin & Eric Maschwitz
  4. Sophia β€” Fascination by F. Marchetti
  5. Sgisela β€” Joropo by MoisΓ©s Moleiro
  6. pseudonym58 β€” Images (5) for orchestra by Claude Debussy, arr. Kurt Kaufman
  7. Sam β€” Perpetual Motion #1 by Francis Poulenc
  8. hebele β€” Downtown Abbey theme by John Lunn
  9. MarieJ β€” Week #7 by Fabrizio Paterlini
  10. plop_symphony β€” A Lincoln Tribute by Carol Matz
  11. thepianoplayer416 β€” Air in D minor by Henry Purcell
  12. BicBic β€” Prelude in B flat minor - No.16 from Op.34 by Shostakovich
  13. Nightowl β€” Plaisir D'Amour by Giovanni Martini
  14. bSharp β€” High Heels by Ludovico Einaudi
  15. WieWaldi β€” Rainbow Connection - Kermit the Frog
  16. SalmonJack β€” Alia by SalmonJack
  17. Calavera β€” Chrono Cross - Scars of Time by Yasunori Mitsuda
  18. rsl12 β€” Always Chew Your Food by Trout Fishing in America by Keith Grimwood and Ezra Idlet with additional lyrics by rsl12
  19. TC3 β€” St. James Infirmary arr. by Gerald Martin
  20. iternabe β€” The Trout by Franz Schuber (arr. Faber)
  21. ShiroKuro β€” Nuvole Bianche by Ludovico Einaudi
  22. lilypad β€” Manhattan 1928 by N. Faber
  23. TheBoringPianist β€” PrΓ©lude, Fugue et Variation, Op. 18 by CΓ©sar Franck (arr. Harold Bauer)
  24. Rob β€” Sunday Morning by Rob

We broke 20 and we'll likely break 25 before all is said and done.

I've heard snippets here and there and I'm excited for this recital.

And apologies for this gratuitous comment: @rsl12 you have simply outdone yourself! I hadn't realized how far you'd come in your singing in such a short time!

Note: I've made minor editorial tweaks to the submissions. However, feel free to review your submission and make final edits on top of mine.

    navindra you have simply outdone yourself! I hadn't realized how far you'd come in your singing in such a short time!

    Thank you! I'm pretty happy with that recording!

    I sometimes make personalized songs for my wife. I thought it would be fun to personalize the song for the Pianotell audience.

    twocats now you're making me think I should join too, even though I don't have anything prepared.

    Your Dvorak is sounding good, though I don't know how you can break off a piece for the recital. Is the Brahms still in good shape? Maybe part of the last movement?

      ....(apologies, I'm either being dim or I'm tired or both?).....I've got a recording to add to the recital, already uploaded to YouTube. Where do I post it in the forum?

        rsl12 Your Dvorak is sounding good, though I don't know how you can break off a piece for the recital. Is the Brahms still in good shape? Maybe part of the last movement?

        I do have some old solo stuff that I can still (kinda?) play. Thinking maybe Schumann's Arabesque which I played at a piano playing thing last year. Hopefully it can be revived without very much effort!

        diretonic Where do I post it in the forum?

        There's a link at the top of the very first post in this thread. Go there and respond to the post in the submission thread and it'll create a hidden post. When the recital goes live Navindra will unhide them all. At least that's my understanding, without having gone through the process πŸ™‚


          Hah back at you! As of this morning 78 views of which only 30 are first impression. Normally that ratio would be more like 78 / 65.

          Somebody must really like cat duets. To be honest though, the cat really did do a good job of coming in right on cue during the piece so maybe that's the reason.

          twocats After all, it's PT's first recital!

          To add some more peer pressure: at some point navindra mentioned a special award for anyone who participates in this first recital 😊

          #justsaying #nopressureatall 😁

          I can't wait to watch you r cat @Player1 !


            I blame the cat. Just like I always do because it's usually right on the money. The way that works is; he either did it, or made me do it trying to stop him from doing it, or it happened merely because someone went by and thought, you know, if an orange cat were here...

            Or it could just be coincidence and the algorithm working in harmony with the celestial symphony.

            Nah, it was the cat.


            It's a FREE CAR! The catch is that you have to move from it's place in navindra 's neighbor's driveway where it's been parked for the last 25 years. I think it's a Yugo judging by the slightly cleaner spot where the original manufacturer's badge was attached before it fell off.

            Lol!!! Don't Let me shatter your dreams... because I do believe the word "badge" might definitely be involved somewhere... πŸ˜‰


            Go back three or four lesson pieces and record one of those. Half an hour spent refreshing it in your mind and fingers and you'd be ready to record. Upload and submit.

              Player1 Go back three or four lesson pieces and record one of those.

              I haven't had lessons in almost 30 years πŸ˜‚ I play chamber music these days and don't really practice solo works.

              twocats Thinking maybe Schumann's Arabesque which I played at a piano playing thing last year. Hopefully it can be revived without very much effort!

              Arabesque is not coming naturally to my fingers, needs more time than I have. But I remembered that I revived Rustle of Spring to play at a piano thing this past spring and can mostly still play it. And it's blessedly short! I'll work on it and then I'll get out my Zoom video camera so that it'll do justice to my nice piano πŸ™‚

              @Rubens it's on!!

                Argh, I wish I could be part of the inaugural recital here, but I've come up extremely empty-handed this summer πŸ™

                Will double down for the next one, though. And that's the important thing, right? Not just that we have a successful recital (which it looks like we absolutely will!), but that it carries on as a standing tradition!

                  Gombessa C'mon! Surely you can throw together "Chopsticks" or "Twinkle Twinkle" in time!!!

                  Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

                  Gombessa awwwww I was hoping for some Joe Hisaishi or maybe Disney songs from you! Even if you've submitted something at PW before you could play it again for PT πŸ™‚

                  But I totally get wanting to prepare and play something "properly" to submit. I have to get over my perfectionist tendencies and just throw something together (actually it's probably good for me to do it at the last minute so that I don't spend hours doing takes). I'm glad it's a casual and supportive environment and it's all just for fun!