twocats I’ve got a long reply; hopefully it’s useful. When I was a kid, I didn’t find memorization ‘difficult,’ per se, but I did find memorization problematic. The pieces that I was asked to memorize, I felt like by the time I got to the point that I needed to memorize them, I could play much of them from memory. But I didn’t have fantastic security in my memorization. To this day, I have nightmares of bad memory lapses during performances, and I was always more comfortable with the score.

Fast forward to resuming piano as an adult, it was very pleasant to realize that the technological advances of tablets and page turning devices really meant that I could use the score and not have to worry about clunky page turns, or multiple sheets that could have issues on the music stand, and so performance with the sheet music in front of me was not a big deal. In general, I haven’t put effort into memorizing things, and I feel this in many ways gives me more freedom, as I don’t have the mental anxiety of worrying about a memory lapse.

I did memorize the last piece that I submitted for a PT recital, but this was the exception. I ended up deciding to memorize it because I realized it had kind of memorized itself. The piece had a number of technical challenges for me, but I think musically it was more straightforward than a lot of things I have worked on recently. I think this was the reason I absorbed it. Even so, I think the biggest issue with the performance was ultimately an issue related to memory. Do I think memorizing it made me feel more free in my playing? Not really. But it wasn’t a big deal to memorize it, although the memorization was also imperfect.

This takes me to my current project, which is another 20th century piece. It’s got a few spots that I’ve found particularly troublesome to learn. There’s one particular spot that’s just 6 measures, but I spent several weeks on it, trying different practice techniques, and it was giving me no end of trouble to learn. I don’t think this was for particularly technical reasons, but the passage is on the way to being atonal, if not fully there, and I just felt like I was spending a lot of time on it without much progress. My teacher had suggested a few things and I was still struggling. At my last lesson, he suggested that I work on memorizing it, and he gave me some suggestions for how to work on memorization. And I’ve implemented this, and the passage is finally coming together.

He had some very concrete recommendations for approaching memorization. 1. Work on small chunks — maybe a few measures. 2. Start with the music, then try to play from memory, then go back to the music and read through the phrase. Continue this (alternating between memory and the music) until every note in the small section is memorized. Then expand the section or work on the next section, but always alternate between reading the sheet music and memorization (I think this will actually help to not have the problem of feeling that you can’t continue to work both from the sheet music and from memory, which others have described). 3. There are several aspects to memory, and each is important. They include a. Visual memory — both the visual memory of the notes on the score and the visual memory of the appearance of the phrase on the keyboard (what does it look like your hands are doing?) b. Kinetic memory — how are you moving between notes/chords? C. Aural memory - how the phrase sounds; my notes from the lesson say “hear the ‘song’ of the phrase,” d. Conceptual memory - what is the structure of the music? Chord progression, etc. my lesson notes are, “ it is Impossible to memorize without understanding a phrase” and “Transitions can be perilous; it is important to understand these.” And finally e. Technical memory. Lesson notes: “technical failures often causes memory slips.” Make sure you are technically secure. As you memorize a section, you need to pay attention to each of these things and memorize each of these aspects.

The recommendation was also that if you are planning to work on memorizing a piece in its entirety, it is beneficial to do so from the beginning so that you incorporate all aspects of memorization before the purely kinetic memory sets it (and you will be over-reliant on ‘muscle memory’). He also recommended memorizing hands together as much as possible.

Anyways, I’m not really planning on attempting to memorize a whole piece, but working on specific tricky passages in this way, I did actually find that I made more progress than anything else I had been doing. And while it is somewhat time-consuming, I think if I were to approach an entire piece this way, it would be an approach that would help me simultaneously learn and memorize the piece in a way that felt secure.

    I agree with pianoloverus. I hate memorizing sheet music, and the only practical reason to do so is if a piano randomly appears and I am without my documents.

    Here's a nice article that makes the point that I'm too lazy to make myself.

    The growing taste for watching soloists play from memory has actually narrowed the breadth of the repertoire. Vladimir Horowitz, for example, played a huge number of works at home from the score, but only performed a small repertoire from memory in public. Today many soloists won't commit themselves to more than a handful of works each season, no doubt partly because of the burden of memorisation. In the past few years, I've successfully memorised several solo recital programmes, each lasting about two hours. Had I allowed myself to use music, I could have performed the programmes much earlier, and with equal interpretative power. It was the sheer effort of memorising that added months to the process.

    Since every single one of my pianoworld/pianotell recitals has been performed without sheet music, maybe I should say a little more.

    • most of my recitals have been jazz, which means memorizing a lead sheet, which is almost always not too much effort.
    • Modern Major General was simple enough to understand as a soprano line over chords. So basically the same as a lead sheet. In general, that kind of analysis doesn't work for the sheet music I play.
      *Sleigh Ride in 7/8: okay, I admit I thought it would look nicer and more performative without the music. But the effort was great. I had to do 40 takes because I kept messing up the end. That was 2018 me, and 2025 me disagrees with his decision.

    For for many pianists, including professionals, I think the fear of memory slips more than outweighs any other supposed advantages of playing from memory. If it was not considered a semi requirement for professionals to play recitals from memory, I think many of them, even if they had memorized the music, Would choose to have a tablet with the score on the music desk for the sake of security And there are the other disadvantages of playing from memory in particular the inordinate amount of time it takes that could be used to learn more repertoire.

    twocats I have not read all other answers that you have got, but if you are interested in finding out for yourself if your friend is correct, I would test it. Start with a short piece of your level - or maybe even memorise only half of the piece, and find out for yourself.
    For a very short time I had a teacher who demanded memorisation, so I did try it. For me, it adds absolutely nothing. The piece did not become a part of me. When recording the piece, there are already so many things to think about, and adding to that the stress that I would not remember correctly, did not do my performance any good. However, maybe I should have spent even more time on that piece... (which would make me progress even slower...)

    About your comparison: Always having the score is like driving home by way of a very complicated route, and knowing that you can glance at your GPS whenever you need to.

    ... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...

      twocats gonna start watching this now. 😊

      Animisha When recording the piece, there are already so many things to think about, and adding to that the stress that I would not remember correctly, did not do my performance any good.

      I think many people would have the same experience you had. It's possible that going through the lengthy process memorizing a piece very securely (which still can break down in performance) gives one more understanding or " The piece becomes part of you" whatever that means or whatever else those in favor of memorization claim, but the stress of playing from memory could easily outweigh those theoretical advantages.

      Ignoring for the moment the added stress of playing from memory, it's possible or even reasonable that all the extra work needed to memorize a piece would give one greater understanding of it. But throwing back stress into the equation plus the huge amount of extra time needed to memorize I don't think it's worth it except maybe for a small number of pieces.

        Ok, I've only watched the first 16 minutes or so, but very informative!

        I think I might try the hands separate on a piece I'm playing now... It's more conducive to HS work than other pieces I play. Also, it's an easy piece, I am close to having it worked up but, but I have some rough spots, a few spots where I habitually play the wrong thing, and then that problem at a page-turn.

        Even if I don't memorize the whole thing, memorizing in some of the ways he does could be very helpful. And maybe it will fast-track my progress toward completing it.

        One thing I noticed is how he says the note-names... I rarely think to myself "ok, that's a D..." But I will try it. Here's part of the easy piece, Wishing by Alexis Ffrench:

        Oh, and I have another piece I'm working on (Hana-Bi, pretty sure I posted snippets of the score in a different thread) with four-note block chords that I routinely play wrong if I don't have my eyes on the score, but there are jumps and so I don't want to be glued to the score... this is another candidate for memorization, of those measures if not the whole thing....

        Here's a portion of Hana-Bi

        Sgisela He had some very concrete recommendations for approaching memorization

        Thank you! I think I will memorize for a few pieces at most, definitely not everything I'm working on. I feel in my gut that the Chopin pieces I'm working on could be a bit more "free in my body" if I memorize them. But it would have to be memorized totally solid to reach that freedom. My friend breaks his pieces into chunks and will randomly draw a number out of a hat and then have to recall that section from memory. I think if you're able to do that, then it's solid!

        I will start with just one piece and see how it feels! It's not as much overhead since I'm still learning it anyway.

        Interesting that your teacher says that memorizing hands together is important and Greg Niemczuk says the opposite! I think for the easy bits I'll do hands together and the difficult ones I'll do hands separately 🙂

          twocats Interesting that your teacher says that memorizing hands together is important and Greg Niemczuk says the opposite!

          interesting! I haven't finished the video yet, so I'm curious about how he will approach bringing the hands together...

            Animisha For a very short time I had a teacher who demanded memorisation, so I did try it. For me, it adds absolutely nothing. The piece did not become a part of me. When recording the piece, there are already so many things to think about, and adding to that the stress that I would not remember correctly, did not do my performance any good. However, maybe I should have spent even more time on that piece... (which would make me progress even slower...)

            I don't think you reached the stage where the piece became a part of you! First, it has to be completely solid. And then the memorization has to be completely solid. I think my friend means that you have to be able to lose yourself in the music, and having your eyes open and tracking the music doesn't let you do that. I have memorized one piece to that level only because it was above my ability and took over a year for me to learn, it's the only piece that has stuck since childhood (Tchaikovsky's June). There's maybe one other piece that has stuck (Beethoven's Rondo in C). I literally can't even remember a lot of what I've played before, it just sounds familiar.

            pianoloverus throwing back stress into the equation plus the huge amount of extra time needed to memorize I don't think it's worth it except maybe for a small number of pieces.

            Yes, agree.

              ShiroKuro interesting! I haven't finished the video yet, so I'm curious about how he will approach bringing the hands together...

              All he says is that he memorizes one hand solid, then the other hand solid, and then it's easier when he puts them together!

              twocats I don't think you reached the stage where the piece became a part of you! First, it has to be completely solid. And then the memorization has to be completely solid. I think my friend means that you have to be able to lose yourself in the music, and having your eyes open and tracking the music doesn't let you do that.

              1. If one has learned a piece well but not fully memorized it, then at that stage one is usually not doing what I would call tracking the musical score. Before playing from memory became popular or even required, do you think keyboard players were not capable of losing themselves in the music(whatever that means) or had some expressive limitations? Do you think orchestral musicians or chamber music players of today lose something in their performances because they are playing with the score?
              2. If one is playing from memory then one's eyes are usually still open but focused mostly on the keyboard.

              If someone has put in all the time usually needed to solidly memorize a piece AND Is has no fear of a memory lapse (rare), than I wouldn't be surprised if all that extra time with a piece improved their performance. But is it really worth it except possibly just occasionally considering all the downsides of memorization?

                pianoloverus I'm always tracking the score, no matter how well I know a piece. Because if I don't, I will lose my place.

                I don't think people are limited in their expressiveness if playing by the score but I think memorizing and not always being tied to the score like I currently am can allow me to access the piece in a different way. I'm talking about how memorization might be able to help me for certain pieces. I'm not comparing my experience to how pros would experience it.

                  I too am always tracking the score whether it's a brand new piece I'm just starting to learn or the piece is fully polished.

                  twocats I don't think people are limited in their expressiveness if playing by the score

                  I agree with this.

                  At the same time, I think that for those of us who are "readers," sometimes memorizing could be beneficial just as a way to experience internalizing a piece in a different way.

                  So to @pianoloverus 's question:

                  is it really worth it except possibly just occasionally considering all the downsides of memorization?

                  I can only speak for myself of course, but "just occasionally" is exactly what I was thinking about and why this thread caught my attention.

                    ShiroKuro At the same time, I think that for those of us who are "readers," sometimes memorizing could be beneficial just as a way to experience internalizing a piece in a different way.

                    I do feel that I access "June" in a different way (and it still stuck with me after all these years!) and I immediately related to what my friend said and made the GPS analogy, despite really hating what I was hearing! I literally can't even tell you what note most of my pieces start with and I feel like memorizing will help me to internalize the content of the music better because it will force me to think about what I'm doing, instead of making musical decisions but being pretty "brainless" about the actual notes because I'm still just reading them every time.

                    Definitely not going to memorize everything but going to try with one piece first and see how it goes.

                    Also, there's the side benefit of actually being able to play something without music. I feel like everyone should have a few pieces that they're able to play on demand.

                      twocats I literally can't even tell you what note most of my pieces start with


                      twocats I feel like everyone should have a few pieces that they're able to play on demand.

                      I agree. I used to have one or two pieces like this, but the last time I did, it was when I was piano shopping (2019) so, yeah...

                        ShiroKuro so, are you definitely planning to eat a vegetable? 🤣

                        twocats I'm always tracking the score, no matter how well I know a piece. Because if I don't, I will lose my place.

                        The solution to that is to practice moving your eyes between the score and keyboard more. Eventually you won't lose your place.

                          pianoloverus but why would I look down if I don't have to? I don't see myself building that into my practice just to achieve not getting lost, because I could just do what I've been doing and track the score and not get lost.