Wow, thanks for listing those up! I will get to watching these videos soon, but your summary is great!
perform cold daily (can stretch and do cardio, but don't create sound at the instrument until you "perform" and also take bows before or after like you're performing)
I actually did this in prep for my two performances in November... Not sure if it helped or not 😅 in that I still got the shaky hands... but at the same time, at least I knew I could sit down and just start playing. I'll definitely keep it in my toolkit.
for 6-7 weeks before the performance, perform at different pianos every week
If only we could all do this! The closest I got was playing a "public" piano on campus, which turned out to have a depressed key, the key below middle C, so that meant I couldn't even play one of my pieces! :/
Nevertheless, this is excellent advice!
if you bomb in a practice performance, it is actually a good learning experience. All performances are useful and quantity leads to quality
if you perform (for real) and you're unhappy with it, it's just one moment in time. It happens!
I love both of these points! I have actually been able to believe the first one, it makes a big difference in being able to use the performance as a learning opportunity.
The second is a little more challenging, because it's hard not to feel disappointment when a performance doesn't go as well as you hoped. But I am work in progress, and these reminders are super helpful!!!