Sophia ...because in the end, getting our fingers on the keys is what really counts.
Exactly. There's no short cut to improve playing skills, but in some ways players might be making more work for themselves by micromanaging every practice session. I think there might be some middle ground to be found, where people could use MG's helpful tips to improve their piano practice, without micromanaging every detail.
There's a group of us that are clearly interested in this. If you're not drinking the KoolAid, that's totally do you. But why try to convince others that what they are invested in and enjoy discussing is silly/wrong/etc? And honestly I find it a bit insulting to suggest that we are simpletons who assume this is a "magic pill" or that we can't determine for ourselves what is a productive use of our time.
No one is implying that people who use MG's methods are "silly/wrong/simpletons", but it is inevitable that not everyone will share your opinion on MG. I hope you're not suggesting that people who disagree with you should not bother posting... that would make this place into an echo chamber, rather than a discussion forum.
ShiroKuro No dig intended, ShiroKuro, just a casual observation about the time invested in the MG practice method by some players -v- the actual benefits, when you weigh it up logically.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)