iternabe This reminds me of a video by Dr. Shijun Wang on how to learn new pieces. He suggests one way to help relieve performance anxiety is to learn the end of a piece of music first, then work backwards. This way, the latter part of the pieces gets more practice. Then during a performance, you become more and more comfortable as the playing progresses.
Yes! I first learned this idea from posts on PW (and I'm pretty sure people there were bringing in these ideas from Piano Street).
The idea is that as you move through the piece, you getting to sections that you've played more, rather than getting to sections that you've played less. And in a performance situation, that helps a lot!
I have gotten away from this style as well, but I should probably get back to it, or at least incorporate it partially... Esp with one piece I'm working on right now, where the whole piece is almost the same level of difficulty except for the very last part (the second and third to last measures)...
Somehow it takes a lot of discipline to practice this way... it's the same with truly incorporating Gebrian's ideas. It's just easier to start at the beginning and play through..