Nightowl lilypad It seems like we have a similar approach, in that we will be playing a ratio of roughly 3 easy pieces to 1 current level piece (which might also be a stretch piece). I intend to play one stretch piece and 3 easy pieces each month, which would take my yearly total to 48 pieces. When I finish book 2 this will be my way of keeping the momentum going, as I don't currently have a teacher, nor any plan to buy book 3.
By the end of the year on paper 3 easy pieces to 1 piece at current level is what it looks like. As far as everyday practicing for me, it's 3 pieces at my level plus 1 quick study piece.
The turnover rate on the quick study pieces tends to accumulate, although it takes a while. I don't really have a numerical goal, but I like to keep a list out of curiosity and a 'memory lane' of what I've played. Sometimes around midsummer before the accumulation effect has really kicked in, I'll wonder if I'll even make it to 40. But surprisingly without extra effort, by the end of the last couple of years I've had over 70.
Here is my list from the end of last year: [