Nightowl lilypad It seems like we have a similar approach, in that we will be playing a ratio of roughly 3 easy pieces to 1 current level piece (which might also be a stretch piece). I intend to play one stretch piece and 3 easy pieces each month, which would take my yearly total to 48 pieces. When I finish book 2 this will be my way of keeping the momentum going, as I don't currently have a teacher, nor any plan to buy book 3.

By the end of the year on paper 3 easy pieces to 1 piece at current level is what it looks like. As far as everyday practicing for me, it's 3 pieces at my level plus 1 quick study piece.

The turnover rate on the quick study pieces tends to accumulate, although it takes a while. I don't really have a numerical goal, but I like to keep a list out of curiosity and a 'memory lane' of what I've played. Sometimes around midsummer before the accumulation effect has really kicked in, I'll wonder if I'll even make it to 40. But surprisingly without extra effort, by the end of the last couple of years I've had over 70.

Here is my list from the end of last year: [

I decided to give Edna Mae Burnam's pieces a break for a bit. This latest one, "Love me Tender" is from a supplement book to Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course. But it also includes suggestions on when to play each piece (ie: after page 54) for those doing Alfred's Adult All-In-One course instead, which is nice.

  1. A Canyon Deep by Edna Mae Burnam (From Pieces to Play with Step by Step Book Two)
  2. Stained Glass Window In A Church by Edna Mae Burnam (From Pieces to Play with Step by Step Book Two)
  3. The Shoemaker by Edna Mae Burnam (From Pieces to Play with Step by Step Book Two)
  4. Love Me Tender by Elvis Presley & Vera Matson, Arr by Christine H. Barden (From Alfred's Basic Adult Piano Course Greatest Hits Level 1)

lilypad Third piece. A quick study this time (3 days).

Michael Head - The Quiet Wood - The Best of Grade 1 Piano
2, Joanne Bender - Ripple Effect - RCM 3 Piano Etudes
Henry Mancini (arr.) - The Pink Panther - Piano Adventures Popular Repertoire - Level 3A

Oops! I guess I can't count! Pink Panther was number 3. I finished my lesson piece yesterday after being on it for around 3 weeks.

  1. Shenandoah from Piano Adventures level 5 lesson book.

This week I'm playing some Scott Joplin. This is Maple Leaf Rag without the trio section, which would have taken much longer to learn. Again, it's not perfect but that is not the point.

Quick Study List for 2025

  1. George Frideric Handel, Passacaille (variations 1-8).
  2. Enrique Granados, Danzas Españolas, no. 2 Oriental
  3. Scott Joplin, Maple Leaf Rag (without trio)

That was awesome @BartK !!

  1. J.S. Bach - Arioso from cantata 156 (lesson piece)
  2. John Thompson - Hide and seek (quick study)
  3. Erik Satie - Petite prélude à la journée (quick study)
  4. J.C. Bach - Prelude in A minor (quick study)

Satie's Petite prelude was actually the most boring piece that I have ever played. I added some dynamics - but maybe I should not have done that, in case Satie actually intended this piece to be as boring as it is.

... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...

    Animisha Satie's Petite prelude was actually the most boring piece that I have ever played. I added some dynamics - but maybe I should not have done that, in case Satie actually intended this piece to be as boring as it is.

    😆 Your description cracked me up. Seriously, though, I liked it. I listened to it a few times. Personally, I didn't find it at all boring. 🙂

      @Animisha as always, very, very well-played!! Esp. since you thought it was boring. In my sightreading/40P pursuits, when I sightread a piece I don't like, I use as SRing practice and don't move it onto the 40P list. I think you have more perseverance than I do!

      I don't know that I thought the Satie piece was boring, but I can see why you might. Actually, I hadn't heard it before, so I found it very interesting to listen to it while thinking about contemporary minimalist composers -- some of whom are more minimalist than others. I actually don't think of myself as a fan of minimalist piano... I prefer music that has a clear and accessible melody line, and I think of minimalist piano as lacking that. For example, people call Einaudi minimalist, but I don't think that's accurate... Anyway, I'm starting to cause thread drift, sorry!

        @Animisha I found this score online, is it basically the same as what you played? (sorry it's a little blurry bc this is a screen grab)

        Kaydia Personally, I didn't find it at all boring. 🙂

        Same, I want to play it! 😅

          ShiroKuro @Animisha as always, very, very well-played!!
          Thank you so much. Truly heart-warming. ♥️

          ShiroKuro Yes, that is the same piece that I played. First I thought that I would make tons of mistakes, but I found it is much more regular than I thought. Many phrases are repeated, and LH is BA BA BG BG and then again BA BA BG BG - same when it turns around: AB AB GB GB and repeated AB AB GB GB. Once I saw this pattern, the piece was much, much easier to play correctly.

          ... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...

          @Animisha Thanks! I played through it once yesterday, what an interesting piece! I think I’ll work on it for a few more times and take it with me to my lesson on Wednesday. 🙂

          Animisha I would not describe that piece as boring, it's just very gentle and extremely relaxing to listen to. You played it beautifully (and managed not to nod off at the end, bonus points for that 🙃). 🙂

          "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

          Thank you so much, such a surprise!

          ... feeling like the pianist on the Titanic ...

          Just finished No. 5

          1 Michael Head, The Quiet Wood, The Best of Grade 1 Piano (quick study)
          2 Joanne Bender, Ripple Effect, RCM 3 Piano Etudes (regular piece at my level)
          3 Henry Mancini (arr.), The Pink Panther, Piano Adventures Popular Repertoire - level 3A (quick study)
          4 American folk song, Shenandoah, Piano Adventures Level 5 Lesson book, (regular piece at my level)
          5 Mozart, Allegro in F, K. 1c, The Best of Grade 1 Piano, (quick study)

          • Edited

          It's great that people are sharing. Please don't be shy about your performances! We know they are just quick studies and not perfect. I hope I'm not scaring anyone away with my performances. Please consider that I have been playing for many years and my easy is not going to be the same as someone else's easy but it doesn't matter. It's still fun to share and watch the other performances.

          I should heed my own advice for the recitals. Shame on me, I know. But my big pieces are never ready and I need more discipline to record them properly. 🙄

            • Edited

            BartK I hope I'm not scaring anyone away with my performances.

            OMG, I am out of the loop for a few days and you post Scott Joplin! As a QUICK STUDY! I think it's high time that you are going to be the one to be teased about being annoyingly talented 🤪
            That was lovely. I always liked that piece!

            Animisha the most boring piece that I have ever played

            Ok, I was prepared to give you my honest opinion. Like "wow, that was great! I love it! What a gorgeous piece! It's exciting and beautiful!" But... I'd be lying. Yes. you are right, that is one BORING piece. But you played it well and also it counts for the 40 pieces challenge. And you braved yourself in front of a camera, so despite all that, let me say... WELL DONE!

            I know posting videos is not required for this challenge, but it sure is nice to see them 🙂

              Sophia OMG, I am out of the loop for a few days and you post Scott Joplin! As a QUICK STUDY! I think it's high time that you are going to be the one to be teased about being annoyingly talented 🤪

              Thanks but I'm not really talented. Just really stubborn and a little OCD. 🤣

              The Gillock piece only took a single session yesterday, compared to the Mozart at 3 days.

              The longest quick studies for me are rock pieces with their tied notes for syncopation. My slight dyslexic tendency confuses them with slurs. I haven't done any rock pieces yet this year, but I remember at least one last year that took me 3 weeks.

              1 Michael Head, The Quiet Wood, The Best of Grade 1 Piano (quick study)
              2 Joanne Bender, Ripple Effect, RCM 3 Piano Etudes (regular piece at my level)
              3 Henry Mancini (arr.), The Pink Panther, Piano Adventures Popular Repertoire - level 3A (quick study)
              4 American folk song, Shenandoah, Piano Adventures Level 5 Lesson book, (regular piece at my level)
              5 Mozart, Allegro in F, K. 1c, The Best of Grade 1 Piano, (quick study)
              6 Gillock, Owl at Midnight, Accent on Solos (early to later elementary), (quick study)

              BartK It's great that people are sharing. Please don't be shy about your performances! We know they are just quick studies and not perfect. I hope I'm not scaring anyone away with my performances.

              I'm glad people are sharing. It's great to hear the variety of pieces, and I'm making note of some of the pieces I'd like to eventually learn myself. I'm still very much a beginner, so I don't expect my pieces to sound great. Other people's recordings aren't stopping me from sharing a recording of my playing. the biggest reason is I'm naturally shy so it's hard to put myself out there. Even so, I did try to get make a video on my phone, but my phone is old and slow and the video looked and sounded blurry. I tried messing around with getting an audio recording, but that's a pain getting it from my piano to my computer. Those are the main reasons. I could probably come up with more excuses reasons. 😅