lilypad That sounds like it was a stretch piece for you, I expect you feel ready for something completely different now. Of course the piece counts in your yearly total, but to gain sight reading benefits it's recommended to regularly play pieces that are easily playable within your current abilities, to read a wider variety of music than if you work on stretch pieces all the time. So, now is a good time to pick some easier pieces and notch up the number.
Currently I'm working on some stretch pieces at the end of A's book 2, so this month I may struggle to finish 4 pieces, but once I finish that book I aim to work on 1 stretch piece and 3 easy pieces a month, which seems manageable for me (unless the stretch piece is Chopin). I will post my list of pieces at the end of each month.
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)