ShiroKuro pianoloverus I don't think choosing pieces below one's present level just so one can get up to 40 pieces per year is a good idea.
In fact, the teacher who originally came up with the idea recommends just this very thing -- playing 40(ish) pieces below one's present level. Given that sightreading pieces are also set below one's level, it is quite well-aligned with those ideas.
Also note that the 40 pieces do not replace one's other pieces, but are in addition to them, which I think is an important element.
Separate from that, if you @pianoloverus would like to engage in a discussion about the pros and cons of the 40P challenge, perhaps we can move that to a different thread, since I note that @Nightowl 's original goal with this thread was:
This thread is somewhere to post monthly updates about progress with the challenge.and that is in fact how posters here are using it.
Quite a few posters both before and after my post did not use this thread for monthly updates about their progress with this challenge.
I was very careful to say that if you feel it works for you then it's fine. But I also gave reasons why I thought some of the ideas involved were not correct. Namely that if improving one's sight reading is one of the main goals of this approach, then 40 pieces a year is nowhere near enough. 5 or 10 minutes a day which would mean at least one piece per day makes more sense. Limiting sight reading practice to pieces below one's level Is also not the best idea I think. The best way to improve sight reading is to do a lot of it and people will tend to do a lot of it if they are enjoying the pieces they are playing and are not necessarily concerned about their difficulty.
Since you are so concerned about thread drift which probably has occurred on the majority of threads on this forum, I will not post further on this thread. I hope some readers will take my advice into account.