@Animisha as always, very, very well-played!! Esp. since you thought it was boring. In my sightreading/40P pursuits, when I sightread a piece I don't like, I use as SRing practice and don't move it onto the 40P list. I think you have more perseverance than I do!
I don't know that I thought the Satie piece was boring, but I can see why you might. Actually, I hadn't heard it before, so I found it very interesting to listen to it while thinking about contemporary minimalist composers -- some of whom are more minimalist than others. I actually don't think of myself as a fan of minimalist piano... I prefer music that has a clear and accessible melody line, and I think of minimalist piano as lacking that. For example, people call Einaudi minimalist, but I don't think that's accurate... Anyway, I'm starting to cause thread drift, sorry!