Stub Some people express belief in a "need" or "duty" to perform, but I'm not one of them
Right... this is super interesting, because I would not have described myself as someone who has a "need" to perform, and certainly I don't feel a duty.... I'm not good enough for that!
But, I am very motivated to perform... I just can't quite articulate why. Certainly there's a pedagogical benefit, i.e., I learn a lot and my playing benefits from performing. But I don't think that's really why, it's more just like a nice side benefit rather than a core reason.
I guess some of it is because of the reasons I suggested at the beginning of this thread
What are we doing when we play for someone else? Showing them our musical skills? Sharing our love of music in general? Sharing our love of a particular piece? Trying to create an emotional/musical experience for the other person?
But I feel like there's something else, that I just haven't articulated yet...
So maybe another part of it is what you said,
if you can answer yes to the question of will your performance provide pleasure to the person hearing it (and if you have any interest in pleasing other people, which not everyone does). Thus it's the performer's own self assessment of their playing, and of the listener's expectations, that determines whether to perform or not.
Maybe it's like why we do anything for other people, we hope it makes them happy, and we feel good doing something for others?