PianoTell Recital #1 Is Now Live!
Rob Thank you so much. That means a lot, coming from one as accomplished as yourself.
Thank you! However, I have very little ability to play by ear and even less to compose music, and can basically only play piano if sheet music is in front of my face
Your piece was truly lovely from beginning to end. If you (or someone else) ever writes out the score, please let me know as I'd love to play it!
12. BicBic β Prelude in B flat minor - No.16 from Op.34
Wow, for such a short piece there is SO MUCH going on here! You have put on a master class for a variety of techniques: legato in one hand, staccato in the other; big jumps; hands playing right on top of each other; crossed hands; octaves; repeated notes; tasteful pedaling. You make it look easy! Very well done!
13. Nightowl β Plaisir D'Amour
Thanks for your nice playing of a lovely piece! I think the piece works well at this tempo, especially with your very steady playing. Even though itβs slow it has great momentum. Well done!
14. bSharp β High Heels
Interesting piece and very well played! The rhythms are very cool with the steady eighth notes in the left hand and the syncopated right hand. Well done with the fermatas. Nice job with the double notes starting at 0:48: that looks tricky and it sounds good. The crescendo starting around 3:15 was great. Thanks for sharing this cool piece!
15. WieWaldi β Rainbow Connection
Great playing of this classic muppet song! I recognized it right away from the introduction. The tempo sounds right on, and the articulation is well done in both hands. Thatβs a nice arrangement and I enjoyed listening!
16. SalmonJack β Alia
Alia is already a beautiful piece! The bass line is lovely and complements the upper voice wonderfully. I like the way you keep the lower voice prominent throughout the piece in your playing. The interplay between the voices sounds great!
17. Calavera β Chrono Cross - Scars of Time
I enjoyed your expert playing of this great piece! I really like the contrast between the quiet and dramatic sections. The strong bass notes with the repeated high notes in the section that starts at 1:00 are very effective. I love the abrupt ending!
18. rsl12 β Always Chew Your Food
Wow, this is fantastic! Thanks for the very fun laugh-out-loud song! Your singing sounds really good and I love your piano improvisations. The Always Chew Your Food lyrics are funny but you really got me with the crowd sourced second verse. Awesome!
19. TC3 β St. James Infirmary
This is a cool piece, and I enjoyed your smooth, heartfelt playing. The dynamic contrasts in your playing really bring this to life. Thanks for your playing!
20. iternabe β The Trout
Nice playing of a fun piece! I especially like the articulation in your playing, with short notes and long notes, staccato and legato. The dynamics are well done. Sounds great!
Rubens Congratulations to both you, and @Josephine on your collaboration and performance.
That must have been an exciting project for you both!
pseudonym58 I really felt as though I was sitting in a recital hall during this.
I half expected to hear applause at the end.
plop_symphony Beautiful!
Another piece I have not heard before, but definitely am going to learn.
Thank you
Sophia The title of this piece or its composer didn't sound familiar to me at all, and then when I heard your performance I realized that actually yes, I do know this song from somewhere! Thanks for unlocking a hidden section of my memories.
FYI, I'm still working my way through the list (about halfway now) and will respond when I'm all through, hopefully today or tomorrow at the latest. I also appreciate the feedback so far and will respond to those folks as well. Great recital!
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
Sgisela That is some truly inspired editing I wasn't looking closely at first so I thought you really did have some holiday things mounted on your piano.
hebele Thankfully I haven't seen Downton Abbey so I wouldn't know what the tempo is 'supposed' to be. This sounded really nice to me!
11. thepianoplayer416 β Air in D minor
Great playing! I've played this piece before, from Melanie Spanswick's Play It Again! method books, and there she indicates that the accompaniment in the left hand should be detached notes rather than legato. Maybe it's a Baroque thing? I tried playing it both ways and just that small change resulted in a very different impression. Still not sure which I prefer.
12. BicBic β Prelude in B flat minor - No.16 from Op.34
I have to agree with the other comments - you absolutely killed it! One day I hope to be as confident with large jumps.
17. Calavera β Chrono Cross - Scars of Time
I agree with you on orchestral arrangements doing video game music justice, but there's an art all its own on capturing the nuances of a composition in a solo piano arrangement. More than technical ability, arrangement is the number one skill I want to work on.