11. thepianoplayer416 β Air in D minor
Great playing! I've played this piece before, from Melanie Spanswick's Play It Again! method books, and there she indicates that the accompaniment in the left hand should be detached notes rather than legato. Maybe it's a Baroque thing? I tried playing it both ways and just that small change resulted in a very different impression. Still not sure which I prefer.
12. BicBic β Prelude in B flat minor - No.16 from Op.34
I have to agree with the other comments - you absolutely killed it! One day I hope to be as confident with large jumps.
17. Calavera β Chrono Cross - Scars of Time
I agree with you on orchestral arrangements doing video game music justice, but there's an art all its own on capturing the nuances of a composition in a solo piano arrangement. More than technical ability, arrangement is the number one skill I want to work on.