
navindra lilypad Wow! I really love this composition and you certainly made it feel larger than life. The Fabers never fail to impress me. Are all the compositions in this book this good? I enjoyed your performance very much and feel inspired by it. Awesome job! πŸ‘

In my opinion, "Manhattan, 1928" that was the best one in the book. "Chanson" was very nice also, but in a different style. Luckily for me, from level 3 on up, there were more original form pieces by classical composers in the books. Classical would be my second favorite genre after jazz and some movie music. The Piano Piano Adventures supplemental jazz and popular arrangement books are another matter. I love almost every one of them. My copy of their BigTime Jazz & Blues is almost falling apart and I still haven't played everything in it.

6 days later

Rob Wow, what a lovely composition and equally lovely performance! Bravo! πŸ‘

I loved the melody and theme on this and this appears to be entirely professional. This could easily be from a movie.

Have you published the sheet music to this? I would love to learn this! It's really beautiful.

diretonic You learned this by ear? That's next level. I really love the feel of this and it seems you hit the jackpot in terms of piano sound. I'm listening to other Dr John recordings and realizing that I enjoy his music a lot... so your morsel is ending up being quite a feast for me. Thank you!

    navindra Thank you so much for your generous comments. They mean a lot.

    I don't have sheet music for this. I am untrained in notation, but have done a few simpler scores years ago, using Noteworthy Composer software.I don't have the program on this computer, but I will search for the original installation disk, and if I can find it, I will give it a go.

    ...a few more comments to end.

    24. Rob β€” Sunday Morning

    Very pretty with a wistful mood, flowing so naturally that it has a familiar quality (which was also said of the Beatles music, so you’re in good company!). I could definitely hear this as the theme music to a TV family drama.

    26. Rubens @Josephine β€” Waltz Op.70 no.2

    If I could play Chopin’s music this well I’d be playing it all the time. Beautifully played by both student and teacher.

    27. Serge88 β€” Misty

    Surely everyone who enjoys music from the Great American Songbook would have played this at some time or another - remarkable that Errol Garner didn’t turn out more popular tunes given how good it is. I like this arrangement and the way you play it but just one thought; here and there it sounds as though the melody is being swung a bit (slightly dotted) which I might have smoothed out to straight 1/8 notes - of course it’s a personal choice and your playing is enjoyable none-the-less.

    28. twocats β€” Rustle of Spring
    Raised a war-baby with the β€˜wireless’ as the sole source of home entertainment and with some classical pieces having a prominent place in the popular music of the time, Rustle Of Spring was a piece I heard often enough for it to become familiar. Thanks for sparking an evocative childhood memory, your performance was beautiful,

    29. navindra β€” Bluebird

    This is a charming piece I’m sure I’ve heard before (a film?, TV show?). Some technical difficulties I suspect in the RH later in the piece but you dealt with them fearlessly. A really confident performance in such an extraordinary setting, great to listen to.

    ….and a thank-you to all who participated and especially Navindra for setting up the forum and this recital - an incentive to get off my a*** and put in some effort, a tonic for the jaded.

      Player1 Beautifully played, with a nice tone. You have obviously been playing for a while but I feel I should at least mention that you are sitting high in relation to your keyboard but perhaps this is what is comfortable for you. But if you develop any neck, back or shoulder pain I would consider it, and putting your music up towards eye level with a stand of some sort. I rigged a stand on a tripod when I had a digital. Sorry if this is unwelcome, I'm older and this is at the forefront of my mind.


        This is a common reaction to my seating position so no worries. I'm just really tall and I don't want to raise my keyboard beyond the normal piano height because I'm planning on getting an acoustic in the future and it's difficult to alter the height of those.

        I'm having no issues with the ergonomics, it just looks awkward. But then I get the same reaction when I drive a car.

        Again, no worries on commenting about it.

          Player1 If it works for you! No worries about the acoustic really - you can always get a nice padded adjustable height bench! I think lots of piano players are tall so some I am certain adjust up to fit that. Tall usually means you can reach octaves and beyond with great ease! a big asset! Lastly, if you have a beautiful wood bench you wish to continue with then there's also firm cushions. Don't worry, I'm finished πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

          4 days later

          Rubens @Josephine Josephine only has 5 years of experience? What! That was absolutely amazing! I really loved the delicate trills and I'm sure I wouldn't have known that Rubens did the B part if you hadn't call it out... the stitching was surprisingly seamless. That's quite some technical magic.

          This is a story and duet like I've never heard before. I'm sure Josephine would have no trouble conquering that B portion... but I'm really glad it all came together and Rubens was able to patch that in!

          Wow, I certainly wish I could play like this after 5 years. Those trills are absolutely lovely and delicate. I'm also pleasantly surprised at how nice the Kawai onboard audio sounds.

          Bravo to the both of you! πŸ‘ πŸ‘

          Serge88 Thanks so much for the nice relaxing and jazzy feel. I really love this kind of music and you played it like a pro. Very nice! πŸ‘

          twocats That was magical! I loved everything from the delicate rustling sounds all the way up to the majestic and grandiose thunder. Wow! What an impressive piece that no doubt requires quite some technical chops and virtuosity to pull off. 🀯

          I'm so glad you decided to participate as this is quite an incredible way to close the recital! Thank you and Bravo! ⚑️

            navindra Wow! What an impressive piece that no doubt requires quite some technical chops and virtuosity to pull off. 🀯

            Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed it! But I'll tell you a secret: it is actually not a very difficult piece and sounds impressive because it has a lot of notes! I'd guess it's around Grade 8 RCM? It's a nice one to add to the repertoire list because it's a crowd pleaser πŸ™‚

            6 days later
            navindra unstickied the discussion .

            Player1 Thank you! πŸ™‚

            bSharp Thanks you! This was at the Pointe aux Piments beach. It was a tad rocky compared to other beaches in Mauritius, but we had a great time! 🏝️

            Josephine Thank you very much! I'm glad the video all came together despite having little control over the surroundings!

            Sophia Haha, I wish! Some kind folks did clap and someone asked me if it was Einaudi. I do sometimes think it would be a dream of mine to be able to confidently sit at a piano and have a nice entertaining repertoire that I could just play. Not easy!

            Sgisela Thank you! It's funny, I can be very nitpicky about pianos, tone, tuning, etc, but the state of the strings on this piano was no detriment at all... it was a ton of fun. I do have a soft spot in my heart for old or beat up pianos... I'm not sure what it is but I always enjoy them very much.

            keff Thank you!

            rsl12 Thank you! It was more than one take for sure. I really wish I could pull off a single take, but I've got a lot of work before I get to that point. I recorded a handful of takes and picked the best compromise. Definitely fewer takes than I usually do though. πŸ˜ƒ

            Nightowl Haha, I think if I changed my profile pic, I'd perhaps run the risk of appearing to impersonate @Sam a little too closely! Thank you!

            TC3 kudos on MacGyvering

            Haha, that's a high compliment for me, considering how many hours of MacGyver I watched as a kid. I really need to learn that theme as well. πŸ˜ƒ This one is by Alexis Ffrench actually.

            rogerch Thank you!

            Rob Thanks a lot, Rob!

            WieWaldi Wow, thanks a lot! It was more than one take for sure, though less than I would usually do. Thanks a lot for noticing the tempo variations and I'm glad the video came together the way it did! πŸ™‚


            Thank you! The trills at the ending of the B section, I wish they were mine, but that's Rubens' beautiful playing. I hope I'll be able to play trills like that one day!

            6 days later

            Sam Thank you Sam! I'm very curious about who maintains that piano but it definitely gets played.

            BicBic Thank you! πŸ™‚

            MarieJ Thanks so much, Marie!

            keff Looking forward to it! πŸ™‚

            lilypad Thank you so much for that! During normal live recitals I have a ton of trouble not falling apart. I need to find a way to get over that.

            WieWaldi Thank you! And I feel like I have a lot of the same experiences as you. I spend a lot of time learning a piece and then forget it. However after almost 5 years with a teacher, I feel like I'm on the right track now. My learning is still self-directed in various ways and I branch off into different things on my own... but it feels right now.

            diretonic Thank you! Yes, I do manage to stumble over the thirds... it's the hardest part of the entire piece and needs the most practice. KevinM had warned me about this some time back. πŸ˜ƒ

            8 days later

            I've finally listened to and commented on all the pieces that were only submitted to PT!

            1. Player1 β€” Energico
            [see PW]

            2. rogerch β€” Improvisation 6
            [see PW]

            3. keff β€” A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
            [see PW]

            4. Sophia β€” Fascination
            Sounds fun. Keep up the good work!

            5. Sgisela β€” Joropo
            A really interesting choice! I enjoyed this energetic dance.

            6. pseudonym58 β€” Images (5) for orchestra
            Not much I can say as I'm not particularly fond of Debussy, but all 5 movements sounded extremely clean and polished to me.

            10. plop_symphony β€” A Lincoln Tribute
            A pretty, elegant and understated tribute. Thanks for sharing this beautiful piece and performance.

            12. BicBic β€” Prelude in B flat minor - No.16 from Op.34
            Great piece! I enjoyed how your performance brings out its melody and momentum.

            13. Nightowl β€” Plaisir D'Amour
            Gentle and romantic performance. A bit slow indeed, but not unpleasant.

            14. bSharp β€” High Heels
            [see PW]

            15. WieWaldi β€” Rainbow Connection
            [see PW]

            16. SalmonJack β€” Alia
            [see PW]

            18. rsl12 β€” Always Chew Your Food
            Eminently fun and playful! The body sounds just add to the performance's comical charm.

            19. TC3 β€” St. James Infirmary
            A classy little piece that really makes the most of its short duration. Well done!

            20. iternabe β€” The Trout
            Nice and clean. Great job with the video too.

            21. ShiroKuro β€” Nuvole Bianche
            Einaudi isn't my cup of tea, but this was a smooth and even performance as far as I can tell.

            22. lilypad β€” Manhattan 1928
            I'm also a frequent victim of the curse that makes you play worse with every take. I feel a lot like an addict in a casino, except I'm only gambling my time and energy away.
            The take you've submitted is pretty fun and classy at least. Well done!

            23. TheBoringPianist β€” PrΓ©lude, Fugue et Variation, Op. 18
            Beautiful playing. I'm impressed (and jealous) that you joined a competition, and made it to the finals to boot!

            24. Rob β€” Sunday Morning
            Nice relaxing piece. For some reason I pictured a beautiful sunrise outdoors instead of someone dancing.

            25. diretonic β€” Borrowed Blues
            That was great and smooth. It reminds me a little of saloon music, though this piece sounds classier and more sparkling. Thanks for this enjoyable performance.

            26. Rubens @Josephine β€” Waltz Op.70 no.2
            Really pretty! The change at 1:07-1:51 feels like a response to the first part.

            27. Serge88 β€” Misty
            [see PW]

            28. twocats β€” Rustle of Spring
            A beautiful performance with lovely and effective ornaments.

            29. navindra β€” Bluebird
            Great! I'm jealous that you can play so smoothly while performing for an audience. I think this piece is more melodic (and therefore easier for me to enjoy) than what I tend to associate with Einaudi.

              7 days later

              Calavera Your comment made me chuckle. If by saloon you mean saloon bar (I'm sure you do), I quite agree! In fact it bothered me a bit after listening to my recording but I hoped no one would notice!!🀣. I think there's a fine and sometimes moveable line between ragtime (more Jelly Roll than Joplin), some blues and the kind of saloon bar piano popularised in western movies. By contrast, I don't hear that quality at all in Dr John's recording. It's a puzzle. If I tackle this sort of thing again I'll aim to use less reverb, avoid layering the piano samples, and maybe take it a notch slower. Thanks for the feedback.

              5 days later

              Sgisela Bravo! Spirited performing, indeed. You've sold me on the piece; I'm going to learn it. I think that as you stay with the piece, you will be able to RELAX more and enjoy it more; I got the feeling things really were VERY speedy for you to the point of discomfort, and that discomfort can be overcome as you wire the piece into your nervous system (in my experience).
              One of the things I learned from David Saperton had to do with rubato as practiced by the Golden Age Pianists - taking a little time here and there. One place I might have used it is at Measure 14 with the descending figure in the bass dim... If you lingered just a little, you could then dive back in at Measure 15 with gusto. Something similar would make p.3 measures 15 and 16 easier to play and make more sense for the listener as you go through the chord changes.
              But really, forgive me if this is nit picking, I'll stop here and continue if you like, could do it with DMs if that's more comfortable. I really liked what you've done with this piece.
              Bravo on a really nice performance.

                Seeker thanks! This is an older recording, and I’ve moved on, but if/when I get back to it, I’ll definitely think about your comments. If I’ve managed to sell you on the piece, I take that as a big success!

                I tend to rush when I get nervous, and particularly to rush the tricky spotsβ€”which as you say, sometimes can actually benefit from more time, not less. Anyways, I have been working on the rushing problem, and it is getting better. Thanks for listening!