WieWaldi Still - a copy&paste reply template would be handy nevertheless.

He already has both! The first list is the links to the performances. The second list is a template to copy to reply to those performances ๐Ÿ™‚

    twocats Oops - somehow I missed that. But yes, after a short search at the obvious place I found it. It was just burried in a collapsible section.
    Thank you for pointing it out.

    @navindra Thanks for running the inaugural PianoTell recital!

    I participated in both the PW and PT recitals, and it was awkward. I and many others submitted the same piece to both. I wrote comments for all the recital pieces on PT. On PW I wrote comments for pieces that weren't on PT. I prioritized PT so I didn't get to PW for a couple of days, after I was done with PT.

    I would prefer to have PW and PT recitals be at different times. I suggest having PT recitals in the months that PW does not have them: March, June, September, and December. This gives someone participating in both forums 12 recital opportunities per year, none of them overlapping.

    Thanks again for PianoTell and the great recital and I look forward to the next one, whether it overlaps or not!

      Rogerch's suggestion is good, but maybe it's worth considering an interval that will not repeat every 12 months, such as 2.5 or 3.5 months. That way the recitals will hit different parts of the year/different holidays. The drawbacks would be that the schedule is not as memorable, and every now and then PT's recital would coincide with the PW recital. Here is what a 2.5-month recital schedule would look like:

      2024: Aug 15, Nov 1 (Halloween)
      2025: Jan 15, Apr 1 (April Fools), June 15, Sept 1, Nov 15
      2026: Feb 1, Apr 15, July 1 (USA independence day), Sept 15, Dec 1

      EDIT: a little flexibility with the schedule might be nice too--instead of Nov 1, October 31 would be better if lots of people are interested in submitting Halloween music, for example.

      To riff on that a bit, maybe PT can have more themed rather than strict timing of every x months. Like, don't make it named a Halloween or Christmas/Winter-themed recital, but why not have one recital in October, and one in December, even though they are relatively close in time? There could be one in Feb to coincide with Valentines day, maybe one beginning of summer, etc. As @rsl12 is saying, we could time them out to give breathing room for prep. But there's nothing that says "every 3 months" or "every 4 months" is easier to schedule for than common holidays, seasons, or occasions.

      I once suggested a recital thee times a year, which might allow for more progress in between recitals, plus it could be planned to never overlap.

      Just a thought ๐Ÿ™‚ I know nothing is set in stone so consider it as just another voice, nothing more ๐Ÿ˜„

      Edit: also I think that before we hurl ourselves into the next recital, it might be useful to run some polls and other means of gauging what the forum participants want/need. We now have this first recital to reflect upon ๐Ÿ˜

      If youโ€™d like to tempt more PW Quarterly Recitals participants to come over and dabble their toes in the PT Recitals pond, it would seem really important (at least for the time being) to follow PWโ€™s schedule. I joined PTโ€™s first Recital because my piece was already prepared for PW and the timing coincided - otherwise I may not have bothered. And now that Iโ€™ve experienced the โ€˜oldโ€™ and the โ€˜newโ€™ platforms, Iโ€™m really glad I was part of both (and intend to stay with both while I can.)

      Navindra, youโ€™ve done an outstanding job, ironing out the wrinkles and teething problems to present an amazing First PT Recital. Thank you - and congratulations! ๐Ÿ‘

      If we want to run a different schedule than PianoWorld, here is my take. Nothing fancy, but very simple:

      rogerch I participated in both the PW and PT recitals, and it was awkward. I and many others submitted the same piece to both. I wrote comments for all the recital pieces on PT. On PW I wrote comments for pieces that weren't on PT. I prioritized PT so I didn't get to PW for a couple of days, after I was done with PT.

      I would prefer to have PW and PT recitals be at different times. I suggest having PT recitals in the months that PW does not have them: March, June, September, and December. This gives someone participating in both forums 12 recital opportunities per year, none of them overlapping.

      I second this. And he came up with the exactly same dates as me because it seems obvious.

      Only difference to Roger: I didn't feel the double submits to both forums to be that awkward at all...

      Do we want to same have same or different dates than PianoWorld?

      (๐Ÿ‘†this is the next question to be answered)

      Right, I remember a beautiful poll you once submitted in this forum. I don't know exactly what Navindra and Sam consider set in stone just yet and whatever they decide is perfectly fine with me, but, in my opinion the best way forward might be to create a few polls before making those decisions ๐Ÿ˜„

      I realize that whatever gets decided will not receive unanimous agreement, but at least we'll know what most participants would be happy with ๐Ÿ˜Š

      Questions such as how often, what dates, themes or not and if yes, how many etc. Here is our chance to shape the future and make it our own. And it doesn't have to be decided once and for all either, there should always be room for future tweaking ๐Ÿ™‚

      Rob navindra Hi Navindra,
      First off, thank you for all your hard work, putting this recital together.
      My submission, although it still shows up, has the heading: [deleted]
      I don't know why that happened?

      I think this isn't related to the recitals, but it actually has something to do with the notifications, I see it sometimes in other posts I've written.
      Try refreshing your browser and see if the "deleted" goes away, and let us know!

      • Rob replied to this.
      • Rob likes this.

        ShiroKuro Yes, refreshing did the trick. Thank you.๐Ÿ™‚

        So as it happens, the โ€œdeletedโ€ just appeared for me! And know I know why. It happens if you check on a post in notifications, where it says โ€œso and so replied to your postโ€ โ€” the post you wrote thst is being replied to shows โ€œdeletedโ€ instead of your name. A little weird. And as mentioned, refreshing returns it to normal. Also, if you enter the thread without going through notifications, it doesnโ€™t happen.

        a month later

        I want to push this thread again, it is less than one month to the November recital opening. This are the stats from August quarterly:

        28 PianoWorld total submissions
        29 Piano|Tell total submissions
        11 equal submissions in both forums
        3 performers submitted different pieces in both forums
        (46 different submissions in both forums)

        I still think, it would be a good idea to run a different schedule than PianoWorld, because there are only 11(!) performers that did post the same piece in both forums. Actually many of us expected to see way more of these. And to submit the same in both forums can feel awkward.

        What do you think, should we keep running our schedule together with PianoWorld, or should we offset?
        My take (for now) is to leave it as it is for 2024, get new stats and re-think again.

        • keff replied to this.

          WieWaldi I am taking it one recital at a time without thinking about what may happen next year. Just hoping that I have something ready for November. I have a few recordings from past years I could submit if necessary.

            keff This is okay. But nevertheless I think we should talk about it. I see pros and cons for both solutions

            I would prefer separate schedules for PW and PT recitals. PW doesn't have recitals in March, June, September, or December so let's have PT recitals during those months.

            A December recital would be fun. If we have one I will submit a holiday piece!

            The current options:

            • Same Quarterly schedule as PW.
            • New Quarterly schedule.
            • Quadrimester schedule: December, April, August.
            • Event or Holiday based schedule.

            The PW Quarterly schedule is proven and allows participants to submit to both. This seems to have worked out, since we got 11 shared submissions. For folks who submitted pieces to both recitals, did the schedule help you, and would you continue to do so?

            A new Quarterly schedule would align with at least one major holiday season. If ever's the time to switch, it would be to take advantage of the (optional) December fun. However, between PW and PT that would be 8 recitals, which seems a little excessive for anyone participating in both sites.

            A quadrimester schedule allows for a more leisurely pace... which makes it easier for someone like me, but might rob others who are more productive.

            Event or Holiday based schedule could be fun but might be unevenly spaced, which might complicate participation.

            Out of all these options, only one is truly proven and has withstood the test of time. Changing the schedule is risky, what would be the motivating factors to change and how would we mitigate the risk of losing potential participants? (For example, we might open for submissions at the same time as PW but close a month later.)

            Also, is now the right time to change strategies? We've had a grand total of 1 recital so far and we don't exactly have a rhythm going or a sense of how participation will continue.

            The reality is that PT is still more in a support role to PW... there is no significant independent influx of participants.

              navindra A trimester schedule allows for a more leisurely pace...

              I think you probably mean semester schedule?

              navindra The reality is that PT is still more in a support role to PW... there is no significant independent influx of participants.

              Wouldn't it be as well the reason to schedule PT recitals differently from PW, so as to gain more autonomy and maybe attract that independent influx? What do you think?