PianoTell Recital #1 is now live!
Please comment on the performances directly on the recital thread.
Meta feedback on the recitals can be shared here if desired.
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
PianoTell Recital #1 is now live!
Please comment on the performances directly on the recital thread.
Meta feedback on the recitals can be shared here if desired.
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
Here is my plan, subject to change as I proceed, to listen and comment on the overlapping concurrent recitals here and on PW. I'm going to listen and comment on PianoTell first. Then I'm going to listen and comment on PW to the pieces that aren't duplicated in PianoTell. This means I won't comment in the PW recital on a piece that's included in the PianoTell recital. I'm trying to avoid having parallel comment threads for the same piece in both places
I'm looking forward to hearing your great playing! Thanks for setting up this recital @navindra!
Oops, I should have posted this here and not in the recital!
twocats @navindra unfortunately the table of contents doesn't work for me-- I suspect the forum software only looks backwards within a post? (Edit: up until TC3's link it does work but then the later ones don't! Wondering if anyone else experiences the same?) I think hyperlinks to each of the submissions would be a better option. I know you're super busy so if you want help to do this, please let me know. Thank you for all the hard work you've put into PT and the recital!
I also didnβt realize there was a separate thread for this. Hereβs my post on using the index:
I thought the index wasnβt working to redirect me to performance posts, but I just didnβt know how to use it. I accidentally figured it out. You have to hover over the name of the performer. A pop up box then appears with a bunch of details, and then you have to click on the text in the popup box.
In fact, I broke PT today by messing around too much with the posts for the recital this morning. Sandra was the first to notice and you were next. Whatever I did caused some users not to be able to post and also caused the index malfunctions.
Btw, the idea to use hyperlinks is much better. It did occur to me later but I ran out of time. The problem with doing replies is that it shows up as a reply on each performance. That's why I also changed the first post to the internal PianoTell account instead of my own... but that goes against my goal that any RC should be able to run the recital with no special accounts.
All fixed now hopefully!
Here's the glorious new index:
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
twocats I also noticed some indexing issues in my recent notifications on the recital thread but it all looks good now!
What did you notice out of curiosity?
twocats when will the next recital be?
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
navindra What did you notice out of curiosity?
Someone either liked or replied to my submission but when I accidentally clicked on it while trying to clear the notification, it went to someone else's submission instead. I didn't look at all of the notifications again but I clicked on one where I think it had the issue and it now goes to my post as expected.
twocats Yeah, that's indeed what was broken here.
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
One thing I like about this format compared to PW is that commenting is MUCH easier! You can watch the video, get all the information, and your message editing window will stay with you as you scroll to other posts. It's a shame there isn't a playlist or an archive, but this format has big advantages.
Rob Did you try reloading the page? Itβs currently looking fine for me, but this glitch has been reported before. A reload/refresh should make it go away.
Beach L168, Wish, baCh, WOW Petrof, Fake Steinway, VS
navindra Btw, the idea to use hyperlinks is much better.
Actually I prefer the way with replies, because you get noticed if someone writes something about your submission. I mean if someone writes something about yor submission a few weeks later, after the recital happening, the comment is likely to be missed.
After reading some of the other comments in the recital thread, I think the best way would be to prepare a kind of a response template to make it look as some members like rogerch, rsl12 or Sgisela did:
Not sure is the counting number is a must-have as the submissions don't have a number as well. And I don't know if there is an easy way for a moderator to "patch" all submissions before going live. If it is made manually, it is time consuming AND error prone. And it can even screw up something...
Edit: sorry navindra, I misread your post. I thought it was meant as a reply template for commenters.
Still - a copy&paste reply template would be handy nevertheless.
@navindra Thanks for running the inaugural PianoTell recital!
I participated in both the PW and PT recitals, and it was awkward. I and many others submitted the same piece to both. I wrote comments for all the recital pieces on PT. On PW I wrote comments for pieces that weren't on PT. I prioritized PT so I didn't get to PW for a couple of days, after I was done with PT.
I would prefer to have PW and PT recitals be at different times. I suggest having PT recitals in the months that PW does not have them: March, June, September, and December. This gives someone participating in both forums 12 recital opportunities per year, none of them overlapping.
Thanks again for PianoTell and the great recital and I look forward to the next one, whether it overlaps or not!
Rogerch's suggestion is good, but maybe it's worth considering an interval that will not repeat every 12 months, such as 2.5 or 3.5 months. That way the recitals will hit different parts of the year/different holidays. The drawbacks would be that the schedule is not as memorable, and every now and then PT's recital would coincide with the PW recital. Here is what a 2.5-month recital schedule would look like:
2024: Aug 15, Nov 1 (Halloween)
2025: Jan 15, Apr 1 (April Fools), June 15, Sept 1, Nov 15
2026: Feb 1, Apr 15, July 1 (USA independence day), Sept 15, Dec 1
EDIT: a little flexibility with the schedule might be nice too--instead of Nov 1, October 31 would be better if lots of people are interested in submitting Halloween music, for example.
To riff on that a bit, maybe PT can have more themed rather than strict timing of every x months. Like, don't make it named a Halloween or Christmas/Winter-themed recital, but why not have one recital in October, and one in December, even though they are relatively close in time? There could be one in Feb to coincide with Valentines day, maybe one beginning of summer, etc. As @rsl12 is saying, we could time them out to give breathing room for prep. But there's nothing that says "every 3 months" or "every 4 months" is easier to schedule for than common holidays, seasons, or occasions.
I once suggested a recital thee times a year, which might allow for more progress in between recitals, plus it could be planned to never overlap.
Just a thought I know nothing is set in stone so consider it as just another voice, nothing more
Edit: also I think that before we hurl ourselves into the next recital, it might be useful to run some polls and other means of gauging what the forum participants want/need. We now have this first recital to reflect upon
If youβd like to tempt more PW Quarterly Recitals participants to come over and dabble their toes in the PT Recitals pond, it would seem really important (at least for the time being) to follow PWβs schedule. I joined PTβs first Recital because my piece was already prepared for PW and the timing coincided - otherwise I may not have bothered. And now that Iβve experienced the βoldβ and the βnewβ platforms, Iβm really glad I was part of both (and intend to stay with both while I can.)
Navindra, youβve done an outstanding job, ironing out the wrinkles and teething problems to present an amazing First PT Recital. Thank you - and congratulations!