HeartKeys the majority of PT users have a unified goal in mind, which is to keep things civil and community-oriented
Right on!
But I don't actually agree with the suggestion to delete posts or provide a prompt/reminder. I once participated in a forum where "controversial" posts were deleted. That led to a lot of issues, because whenever a new spat arose, the person with the deleted posts could claim complete innocence ("when was I ever out of line?") and the ones who responded to the controversial posts looked like idiots because there was nothing to show what made them angry in the first place.
Personally, I'm also vehemently against heavy handed moderating or prompts to tell me how to post as if I were some toddler needing instructions. So actually I'm pleased to see the way the current moderators have handled it here (and there, wherever there is, haha).
Is it possible to lock threads? Usually that takes the heat away, because usually no one will start a NEW topic to continue the fight. So that'll be the end of that. I'm a firm believer in the one two three rule of discipline.
One - a moderator could ask the arguing parties to please play nice with each other.
Two - if that doesn't help, the moderator could mention that continuing the argument would mean a locked thread.
Three - if it still continues, the thread is locked.