PianoMonk my kitties are polydactyl too! They’ve been known to turn floor lamps off and on with their massive mitts. I’ve joked that Victor is a kitty Rachmaninoff with his span of a third.

Yamaha C5X

    Cassia We just love having "special" cats. Don't you? Our cats' "thumbs" are more in line with their other toes. That's quite a mitt on Victor.

    I cannot begin to imagine how much trouble my Gigi would get into if she had actual thumbs! πŸ˜ƒ

    Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

    PianoMonk πŸ˜ƒ. Hey, Fleetwod [sic] Mac is my favorite band!!!

    Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

      TC3 My wife likes them, too. Me, not so much. Cats, well, they hate everything, especially her guitar playing and singing. Made for perfect cartoon material.

      • TC3 replied to this.
      • TC3 likes this.

        PianoMonk Fleetwood Mac is actually several different bands over the years, so I'd need to know which album the cats objected to ... πŸ™‚

        Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

          Our cats are highly selective. They love my piano efforts and guitar (in the past). However they threatened to leave the house when my husband still played bagpipes. I'm planting my foot firmly in my mouth and whisper that I can't say I blame them 😝

            rsl12 added the Off-topic tag .

            TC3 Our cats do not discriminate - they hate all music.

            • TC3 likes this.

            Sophia Yikes, Bagpipes! I wonder if that invention was meant to be some kind of weapon, rather than a musical instrument.

            16 days later

            Sweet, thank you!

            My Burmese friend Herbie.


            All round average Jazz, Blues & Rock player.
            Currently working towards ABRSM grade 8.

            15 days later

            A rare moment... brotherly AND quiet for a change!

            a month later

            This cat loves to listen to the piano. When she hears me playing she comes and sits next to me


              Here she is on the digital piano. She really wants the hammers on the grand but she can’t get to them …

                She's beautiful!

                9 days later


                She must be a distant relative of Herbie!


                All round average Jazz, Blues & Rock player.
                Currently working towards ABRSM grade 8.

                  Now that it's getting colder out, I'm going to be stuck on the couch snuggling. How am I supposed to practice piano?!?!?!

                  Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.