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TC3 Our cats do not discriminate - they hate all music.

  • TC3 likes this.

Sophia Yikes, Bagpipes! I wonder if that invention was meant to be some kind of weapon, rather than a musical instrument.

16 days later

Sweet, thank you!

My Burmese friend Herbie.


All round average Jazz, Blues & Rock player.
Currently working towards ABRSM grade 8.

15 days later

A rare moment... brotherly AND quiet for a change!

a month later

This cat loves to listen to the piano. When she hears me playing she comes and sits next to me


    Here she is on the digital piano. She really wants the hammers on the grand but she canโ€™t get to them โ€ฆ

      She's beautiful!

      9 days later


      She must be a distant relative of Herbie!


      All round average Jazz, Blues & Rock player.
      Currently working towards ABRSM grade 8.

        Now that it's getting colder out, I'm going to be stuck on the couch snuggling. How am I supposed to practice piano?!?!?!

        Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

        What a lovely face!

        The cat is very nice too ๐Ÿคช

        Just teasing!!!! Great picture TC, you both look so relaxed โ˜บ๏ธ

        • TC3 replied to this.
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          Sophia I'm a little too relaxed, as evidenced by that extra mass around my waist ... Oh well, it makes a comfy bed for Gigi. ๐Ÿ™‚

          Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

          10 days later

          we had a talk and she agrees my way is best
          no more torch songs on the piano
          "I hear and obey, Master" she said - with her eyes

            Schubertian2 "I hear and obey, Master"

            Our cats say that too... except they change the order of words a little. "I Master, hear and obey" is what their eyes are saying...

            12 days later

            Simonb Yes, she's a Tonkinese (Burmese and Siamese cross breed)