LOL! I know right??? If I spend the money... it means I must do it 😃 The Easy Licks in C has this cover:

I'm sure bundling that book instead of the 3rd part of the course was a mistake, but that's okay. I purchased it now and also the Easy Blues course. Now I have no excuse anymore not to continue (not that I wanted one) 🤩
Edit: I also wanted to add how much I enjoy this course! I completely forgot to mention that. I wanted to learn boogie woogie a long time ago, but any time I went into a Youtube tutorial, they would encourage to practise a boring left hand over and over and over for hours, days, weeks, months, non stop. Well, I'm not a factory worker... I like to make music. Practising is fine, but not like that! Sit in front of the TV and let my left hand play play play mindlessly. Besides, if I really did that, I think the people around me would quickly call some men in white coats!
So I appreciate this course. Christian provides the right amount of difficulty and it is never boring. He deserves some money for sure 😊 And thank you WieWaldi for mentioning this course, way back when, in another forum even!