Yes please!!! Thank you Up to now my exercises just... end... nothing more. I'd love to get that a little more smooth even at my level
Beginners blues/boogie/rock discussion
OK, hopefully you'll find a bit of use from this:
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
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Awesome awesome awesome thank you guys!!!!!!!!!! That's GREAT, I love those chords and progressions!! VERY helpful I will take that as lesson #11.5 and see if I can implement at least one of those endings into #12
Soon I'll have to change my avatar... I'm too far into blues now Maybe when I graduate from lovely beginner...
P S. I'm so jealous of your ability to talk and sing while playing!
Just in the interests of making a meaningful contribution to this thread ...
I'm working through a neat book, Sitting In: Blues Piano. Unlike a lot of other blues books that focus on solo playing, this one leans more on how to play in a group. The lesson I'm working on now is a jump blues / early rock 'n' roll tunes that makes good use of this pattern:
The LH is quite comfy but the RH is quite the workout! They aren't even asking for that fast a tempo (98 BPM), though I'd love to play it faster (maybe 120 bpm). I'm trying really hard to play the RH without battering my poor fingers to death ... Relaxation is the key, but it sure is hard to do with something like this.
Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.
Very nice! I have also started lesson 12 (I took a break from blues yesterday). So now I also really listened to your videos, instead of just saying ahhh
WieWaldi, That was some very impressive playing! Yes, I know we can play that humpty dumpty left hand in our dreams now, but still. I will study your ending in more detail, because that's a lick Christian hasn't covered yet, believe it or not
TC: I really love the "more and more spice". The first ending (C chord) I said "oh, yeah, I could think that up, it's boring enough" (NOT SAYING YOU WERE BORING! I'm saying I am lol). Then you added the "spice it up a little" (C7) and was so much nicer, but still a LITTLE bland. Then spicing up some more - "that's more like it!!!" (C9).
Of course then you went into the half steps and the sustain pedal and that's where I started drooling... now we're talking! Such exciting sounding combinations!
Again, thank you both so much much for taking the time to record those - it'll be awesome to finish my dull exercises with an actual exciting finish, rather than just lifting my hands "done"
Sophia I will study your ending in more detail, because that's a lick Christian hasn't covered yet, believe it or not
The first ending (turnaround) is something you already know.
The second one is in Easy Blues Piano lesson 2. Wait for it.
I wanted just to demonstrate, the turnarounds work very well as ending. Just play them in time without hesitating and slow down while playing it.
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Well, I started lesson 12 for real now... it's so smooth, I like it! I also just now found out that he sent me the wrong book... I thought I purchased the bundle of his entire course... and I did. But instead of book 3, he sent me book 1, 2 and Easy Licks in C. I don't mind, I'll just buy volume 3 separately. WieWaldi, is this the course you are following?
The link to his playlist doesn't work so I just want to make sure. Then I'll get that as well
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I got this one:
Yours looks like the stuff I am working on (Easy Blues Piano).
VOL.II definitely is what I am currently working on, I can confirm as the pdf starts with the same title page as in your picture. I can't tell about volume 1 + 3, as vol.1 doesn't have the title page in the pdf and I have not reached Volume 3, yet. (Yes - I am slow) But what your picture shows looks like the first 3 volumes of the Easy Course.
Can't tell anything about "Easy Licks in C", but it could be fitting to this video. Sometimes he sells sheet music and the video is not listed, you can find it only via a link in the sheet-music. Does it have such a link on the first page? (Don't share the link, here. If Christian only want to provide the video for the sheet music customers, let him)
poor Sophia
looks like you are doomed to continue now
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LOL! I know right??? If I spend the money... it means I must do it The Easy Licks in C has this cover:
I'm sure bundling that book instead of the 3rd part of the course was a mistake, but that's okay. I purchased it now and also the Easy Blues course. Now I have no excuse anymore not to continue (not that I wanted one)
Edit: I also wanted to add how much I enjoy this course! I completely forgot to mention that. I wanted to learn boogie woogie a long time ago, but any time I went into a Youtube tutorial, they would encourage to practise a boring left hand over and over and over for hours, days, weeks, months, non stop. Well, I'm not a factory worker... I like to make music. Practising is fine, but not like that! Sit in front of the TV and let my left hand play play play mindlessly. Besides, if I really did that, I think the people around me would quickly call some men in white coats!
So I appreciate this course. Christian provides the right amount of difficulty and it is never boring. He deserves some money for sure And thank you WieWaldi for mentioning this course, way back when, in another forum even!
Easy Blues Piano lesson 7 is huge...
Maybe not particular hard, or maybe it is...?
It is at least not technically challenging. It is just to have a LH chord progression with 16 chords. 15(!) of them are all entirely different. Only the C triad is on bar 1 and 8, that's it.
I have the feeling this will never reach my muscle memory, nor can my brain somehow remember it. I can play em very slowly by read-playing, just feels not fluid in any sense.
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Oh that's so interesting! I actually feel the same about my lesson 12. I'm enjoying the "riffs in C". But I'm only 1/3 in and he already introduced two left hand patterns, two riff variations and five licks. I just can't remember it all, as soon as I add a new one to my memory, I forget three old patterns. I might have to cave and use the sheet music, record it in stages, or simplify the lesson.
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Yeah, I could definitely never do exams. Nor perform in public! You score a lot higher on the "brave" scale than me. I wish you wisdom in your decision I will follow your thread with interest!
Sophia I might have to cave and use the sheet music, record it in stages, or simplify the lesson.
This! This is why I started to make cheat sheets for some lessons. Come on, LH is the same inside each lesson, no need to print it everywhere. In most cases it is baked into muscle memory, anyway.
And for recording, I often don't do the first and maybe the second lick, because they are only warmup licks (like a scale). Or a stripdown version of the next lick.
I would not call it simplifing the lesson, if I leave away the easy (warmup) parts. Recording in stages? Possible, but that takes away the fun.
Case closed so to go back to blues discussion:
WieWaldi Come on, LH is the same inside each lesson, no need to print it everywhere.
Exactly. He prints the entire 12 bars, or in the case of lesson 12, he even writes out a variation of one note difference - but that uses an entire two lines up.
I still practise with the sheet for now, but I am already having to turn the page twice and I'm only one third into the lesson. I can't wait for your future cheat sheets - maybe I'll create one for this lesson.
How did you do it? Screenshot one bar of each lick and place them all on a single canvas?