Ok, I'm a little ashamed to submit this lesson. I forgot to set the piano to a more echo-y setting, so the sound is very, very dull. I like the simplified boogie left hand, but I HATE the harmonies overal. It didn't help that every time my husband heard me practice, he wrinkled his nose and said "I don't like this piece" and then I had to explain it's not a piece, it's a means to an end that will hopefully lead somewhere, someday And lastly, I completely fumbed on the ending. We were supposed to go smoothly into the MOAT (as Christian said, we should wake up at 3am by now and play it smoothly immediately after. Yes, he used a ruder example).
And finally, as if I haven't complained enough just yet.... when is Christian going to teach us proper endings? So far, every exercise just stops after the 12th chord, boom. I tried to come up with a finishing chord, and my first try sounded horrible, so I quickly changed it to two other notes. But that is just me fumbling. I want to learn a smooth and suave ending, one that befits a complete piece (or even a boring exercise).
But I have had enough of this lesson and want to move on to number 12 So, reluctantly, here it is, lesson 11!
No for me just yet!