Very nice! I have also started lesson 12 (I took a break from blues yesterday). So now I also really listened to your videos, instead of just saying ahhh 😃
WieWaldi, That was some very impressive playing! Yes, I know we can play that humpty dumpty left hand in our dreams now, but still. I will study your ending in more detail, because that's a lick Christian hasn't covered yet, believe it or not 😃
TC: I really love the "more and more spice". The first ending (C chord) I said "oh, yeah, I could think that up, it's boring enough" (NOT SAYING YOU WERE BORING! I'm saying I am lol). Then you added the "spice it up a little" (C7) and was so much nicer, but still a LITTLE bland. Then spicing up some more - "that's more like it!!!" (C9).
Of course then you went into the half steps and the sustain pedal and that's where I started drooling... now we're talking! Such exciting sounding combinations!
Again, thank you both so much much for taking the time to record those - it'll be awesome to finish my dull exercises with an actual exciting finish, rather than just lifting my hands "done" 🥰