MarieJ I love this! It's so delicately played with such a nice range and your artwork complements it perfectly! Nice touch with the animations of your art! You always have a knack for finding the best music and doing it justice with your performances. Very nice! 🎨
Player1 Short and sweet! Nicely done learning this in such a short time too! 👍
Rubens Absolutely stunning, Rubens! It's a whole other league. I'm really glad you decided to share this. Beautiful story telling and what an emotional rollercoaster ride. Bravo! 👏
Btw, I'm not familiar with this piece, but the ending feels a little unresolved!
Cratersmash Wow! What an ambitious undertaking and such a spirited performance of such a challenging piece. And you're doing all of this from memory? Is this the longest piece in the recital? Please allow me to pick up my jaw from the floor! 😲
Gooseberry I love it! You've only been playing since 2021?? This is very impressive work, you absolutely nailed it, and this is a single take?? This piece also sounds excellent... I may have to learn this, if only I could play it as smoothly and expressively as you, I'd be so happy. I enjoyed this a lot! Nicely done indeed. 👏
Rob Stunning. I loved everything about this. The piano sounded so good and multi-dimensional. The composition sounds like top hit material and movie-worthy, and the video was so tastefully done. Goosebumps. Congratulations on your achievement here. 🌟
TC3 Playing, composing, and singing. What a hat trick! Thanks so much for this entertaining performance. You're completely at ease on the stage and a natural showman! You deserve the mic! 🎤