Thanks forum friends, I know you're right and perfect play is not something I should be aiming for. I would just like to play the piece reasonably smoothly and with minimal wrong notes. I'm having that familiar experience of playing the piece so many times that I'm growing tired of it, so I will take a break now and sleep on it. Maybe I'll get a reasonable recording tomorrow.
I can't imagine how professional pianists cope with the pressures of live recitals... their experience must be a thousand times more stressful, I don't know how they do it.

"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

Here's the current setlist:

  1. Player1 β€” Energico by Nancy Faber
  2. rogerch β€” Improvisation 6 by rogerch
  3. keff β€” A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Manning Sherwin & Eric Maschwitz
  4. Sophia β€” Fascination by F. Marchetti
  5. Sgisela β€” Joropo by MoisΓ©s Moleiro
  6. pseudonym58 β€” Images (5) for orchestra by Claude Debussy, arr. Kurt Kaufman
  7. Sam β€” Perpetual Motion #1 by Francis Poulenc
  8. hebele β€” Downtown Abbey theme by John Lunn
  9. MarieJ β€” Week #7 by Fabrizio Paterlini
  10. plop_symphony β€” A Lincoln Tribute by Carol Matz
  11. thepianoplayer416 β€” Air in D minor by Henry Purcell

Go ahead and press that red button! πŸ”΄

    Soon! πŸ™‚

    Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

    Came back from a long trip 2 weeks ago totally exhausted with jet lag.

    While working on another piece I practiced before found a piece online that is barely 1/2 min long. Sounded very nice and something that can be learned in a week. The week before I wasn't planning on submitting anything for the online recital, There are 2 online recitals currently open for submissions. The first (Piano World) is asking for fast pieces which I don't think my piece would qualify so ended up submitting it here.

    There are student pieces like the Bach Prelude in C from the WTC Book 1 that every student would learn at some point. Many of the pieces are over-played. The pieces that appear in student repertoire books are so common that everybody would play them at some point.

    I'm sure many people submitted much better pieces than myself. Pressed the red button (Rec) already. Can't wait to press the green button (Play) to hear the great performances...

      thepianoplayer416 The first (Piano World) is asking for fast pieces which I don't think my piece would qualify so ended up submitting it here.

      The Fast Pieces Recital was in July. The August recital is an ABF Quarterly Recital, not a themed recital.

      I'm looking forward to hearing you play, either here or there or both! πŸ™‚

      navindra My piece is by Carol Matz - not sure if the surname got cut off in my submission, but want to give proper credit to the composer.

        @Nightowl I clearly hear spots where I've distorted the printed rhythms (especially triplets) of my own arrangement. Try as I might, there are places where the 3 against 2 gets slightly out if sync. Eventually I decided if it wasn't one thing it would surely be another, so I put up with imperfections. I'm not a robot.

        Thanks @pseudonym58, I feel similarly about my own performance - imperfections seem par for the course, we're only human. πŸ™‚

        I took a break from the piece then returned to it and made efforts to iron out a couple of rough spots, then managed to get a reasonable version recorded yesterday. It's a bit slow and there are a couple of hesitations, but it's better than it was last week and I decided that it will do. I'm always telling others not to let perfect get in the way of good enough and I'm taking my own advice now. πŸ™‚

        "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

        We're going into the last weekend now...

        1. Player1 β€” Energico by Nancy Faber
        2. rogerch β€” Improvisation 6 by rogerch
        3. keff β€” A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Manning Sherwin & Eric Maschwitz
        4. Sophia β€” Fascination by F. Marchetti
        5. Sgisela β€” Joropo by MoisΓ©s Moleiro
        6. pseudonym58 β€” Images (5) for orchestra by Claude Debussy, arr. Kurt Kaufman
        7. Sam β€” Perpetual Motion #1 by Francis Poulenc
        8. hebele β€” Downtown Abbey theme by John Lunn
        9. MarieJ β€” Week #7 by Fabrizio Paterlini
        10. plop_symphony β€” A Lincoln Tribute by Carol Matz
        11. thepianoplayer416 β€” Air in D minor by Henry Purcell
        12. BicBic β€” Prelude in B flat minor - No.16 from Op.34 by Shostakovich
        13. Nightowl β€” Plaisir D'Amour by Giovanni Martini

        Do you really want to miss out on PianoTell's 1st recital? πŸ›Œ

        I might just be lazy and upload a recording of one of my performances from WIPAC this weekend...

        "You're a smart kid. But your playing is terribly dull."

          Everybody here have busy lives. Not everybody here is retired with a lot of free time. We just practice whenever we have time.

          The last piece I submitted made me realized how challenging it was to master something that is barely half a minute long in 1 page. Even after making recording 1, felt something wasn't right and made recording 2. A number of years ago I saw kids struggled to read through a 1-page piece. I'm sure they put in a lot of effort.

          Can't wait to hear the other performers.

          Good to see so many members participating.
          I look forward to listening to this first PT recital. πŸ™‚

          Wait, sorry for asking a stupid question (I’m sure the answer is here somewhere so apologies in advance).

          @navindra How do we submit?

          I see the template and I get that we’re to use some external hosting (e.g., YouTube etc). So, once we have the audio (or video) hosted and the template filled out, do we just reply in the thread you linked at the top? And if so, am I right in assuming that the replies are some how hidden until you release them?

          Thank you in advance!

            TC3 Shouldn't the -girls see it as well?

            • TC3 replied to this.

              WieWaldi Sorry, I'm not following you.

              Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.