Excellent. I'll see if I can manage a decent recording before too long.

Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

Just submitted mine!

8 hours in with 5 submissions so far:

  1. Player1 β€” Energico by Nancy Faber
  2. rogerch β€” Improvisation 6 by rogerch
  3. keff β€” A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Manning Sherwin & Eric Maschwitz
  4. Sophia β€” Fascination by F. Marchetti
  5. Sgisela β€” Joropo by MoisΓ©s Moleiro

Keep them coming β€” there's 15 days to go!

What? I'm disappointed @Player1 - we're not wearing matching outfits this time 😒


    Blame the cat. I do. For everything.

    Going in to the weekend with:

    1. Player1 β€” Energico by Nancy Faber
    2. rogerch β€” Improvisation 6 by rogerch
    3. keff β€” A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Manning Sherwin & Eric Maschwitz
    4. Sophia β€” Fascination by F. Marchetti
    5. Sgisela β€” Joropo by MoisΓ©s Moleiro
    6. pseudonym58 β€” Images (5) for orchestra by Claude Debussy, arr. Kurt Kaufman
    7. Sam β€” Perpetual Motion #1 by Francis Poulenc
    8. hebele β€” Downtown Abbey theme by John Lunn

    Keep 'em coming!

    Home sweet home and back on my piano.
    Only 10 days left to get something prepared. This and doing some sight reading, additionally. And Sophia is making lot of pressure on Blues piano progress. But I really don't wat to miss out the #1 recital. I guess I ll do something very easy, maybe something from the lower to mid grade sight reading material. Thumbs crossed🀞

    I promise to get something in before the last day. It may still be a bit "in progress" ...

    Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

    Teething problems with the video link 😟 - hope that can be sorted - but I think I'm in ... 🀞

      I have a piece from book 2 in mind, but every time I think I've nailed it I discover that it was only a lucky blip on the normal pattern of poor play throughs. 😬 It's not even that tricky, but red button syndrome triggers any weaknesses. If I can get a reasonable recording I'll submit it, but otherwise maybe I'll skip this recital.

      "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

        Nightowl If it helps, I fully expect my submission to be riddled with errors. πŸ™‚

        Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

        Mine's not error free either. And even that was a lucky fluke among many tries. I feel your pain, Nightowl and TC πŸ™‚

        • TC3 likes this.

        Nightowl Don't strive for perfection! You can't control what you do on a live performance either, but at least with the red button, you do get a chance to choose the performance you liked the most. It's more real that way anyway.

        Even professionals edit their recordings in post, but that's not what we're going for here.

        You should see how bad my recording is. I usually try to control everything about my instrument and recording environment, but this time I simply surrendered to circumstances. There's a joy in that as well. πŸ™‚

        • TC3 likes this.

        Thanks forum friends, I know you're right and perfect play is not something I should be aiming for. I would just like to play the piece reasonably smoothly and with minimal wrong notes. I'm having that familiar experience of playing the piece so many times that I'm growing tired of it, so I will take a break now and sleep on it. Maybe I'll get a reasonable recording tomorrow.
        I can't imagine how professional pianists cope with the pressures of live recitals... their experience must be a thousand times more stressful, I don't know how they do it.

        "Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)

        Here's the current setlist:

        1. Player1 β€” Energico by Nancy Faber
        2. rogerch β€” Improvisation 6 by rogerch
        3. keff β€” A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square by Manning Sherwin & Eric Maschwitz
        4. Sophia β€” Fascination by F. Marchetti
        5. Sgisela β€” Joropo by MoisΓ©s Moleiro
        6. pseudonym58 β€” Images (5) for orchestra by Claude Debussy, arr. Kurt Kaufman
        7. Sam β€” Perpetual Motion #1 by Francis Poulenc
        8. hebele β€” Downtown Abbey theme by John Lunn
        9. MarieJ β€” Week #7 by Fabrizio Paterlini
        10. plop_symphony β€” A Lincoln Tribute by Carol Matz
        11. thepianoplayer416 β€” Air in D minor by Henry Purcell

        Go ahead and press that red button! πŸ”΄

          Soon! πŸ™‚

          Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

          Came back from a long trip 2 weeks ago totally exhausted with jet lag.

          While working on another piece I practiced before found a piece online that is barely 1/2 min long. Sounded very nice and something that can be learned in a week. The week before I wasn't planning on submitting anything for the online recital, There are 2 online recitals currently open for submissions. The first (Piano World) is asking for fast pieces which I don't think my piece would qualify so ended up submitting it here.

          There are student pieces like the Bach Prelude in C from the WTC Book 1 that every student would learn at some point. Many of the pieces are over-played. The pieces that appear in student repertoire books are so common that everybody would play them at some point.

          I'm sure many people submitted much better pieces than myself. Pressed the red button (Rec) already. Can't wait to press the green button (Play) to hear the great performances...

            thepianoplayer416 The first (Piano World) is asking for fast pieces which I don't think my piece would qualify so ended up submitting it here.

            The Fast Pieces Recital was in July. The August recital is an ABF Quarterly Recital, not a themed recital.

            I'm looking forward to hearing you play, either here or there or both! πŸ™‚

            navindra My piece is by Carol Matz - not sure if the surname got cut off in my submission, but want to give proper credit to the composer.