Sophia Kinda like the argument at exactly which point Data becomes a real human... some will say he always was, others will say he never will be. Yet no one ever questioned Data's usefulness to do what he was designed for.
That is a very good thought!
Data was never a human. And Data would never be a human. But Data was quite human-like in many ways, and wasn't to be discounted because he never was human. In some ways, people may have argued that he was better than any human ever would be, not being able to incorporate the darker side of humanity into his programming (hate, jealousy, etc). He could do many things humans couldn't. Yet there were still some things humans could do that Data couldn't. Emotion never quite developed. Humor never quite developed. Those situations requiring those would not have been a good fit for Data. But other tasks requiring precision, quick decision making, speed, patience, lack of emotion, yeah, Data was a wonderful candidate for the job.
Unlike some, I have no use for a "cat piano". LOL!! But hey, if that trips your trigger, go for it! There are real acoustic pianos that I have enjoyed thoroughly (a particular 7' Baldwin grand comes to mind) and other acoustic pianos that I have not found nearly as pleasant to play or listen to (a mid-sized Steinway grand comes to mind). There are keyboards that I have (and do) enjoy (my RD-2000 comes to mind) and other keyboards I have not had much use for (a cheap Casio keyboard comes to mind). I'm capable of playing any of them. They all have "keys" and make "piano-like" sounds. I'd very likely refer to any of them as "pianos" knowing full well what an acoustic piano is, mostly as a common term that is often used for any or all of them, accurate or not.
One might consider whether an item is a "facial tissue" or a "Kleenex". There are facial tissues that are not Kleenex but I'm not going to get too excited about someone referring to a tissue of another brand as a Kleenex. It's a common term, whether accurate or not and everybody knows what is being talked about. If it is important to you to differentiate, great, do so. Most people just wanna blow some snot and don't care to use their sleeve.