
Me too. So we have to think about how to encourage them to participate.


I agree. It doesn't have to be in any forum, maybe it can have its own forum. Piano Tell recitals.

@Rubens I understand how you feel, but hopefully if members of all levels start to participate then you would feel ok?

I recently joined an in-person playing group (after being added to the mailing list by someone I know like 5-6 years back) and the friend I brought and I are much more advanced than most. But everyone is nice and appreciative of everyone else and there's a little social time afterward, and no one feels bad at all. We were so warmly welcomed that I wondered why I was scared to show up for so long.

I probably won't join the recitals here because of two reasons: I'm eternally working on chamber music now, and I don't have the time/energy to listen to everyone's playing and respond. I'm aware that I'm online all day and active on the forum, but I'm trying not to be! But I think you should participate in the recitals and people will really appreciate getting to listen to your playing and to have your feedback.

Also want to comment that Sam made it pretty clear that the upcoming recital is happening on PW and I'm not sure if that's the long term plan? I wouldn't blame him if he doesn't want to run parallel recitals in two places.

    twocats Sure. And please invite your friend to join here, for the recitals and more😁.

      Rubens I'll check in with him when the group meets on Thursday for the final gathering of the year (with potluck); he might be interested! I'll be playing some Quartet Minus Three, haha.

      I have sent a few private invitations to advanced pianists on PW to join here (simply because they are the minority, not just here but in every piano forum).

        And just to make it clear, there are already a few very advanced pianists here (including Joseph Fleetwood who is a galaxy ahead of me in terms of piano accomplishments). But we don't want to bother anyone to join the recitals. It has to come from them, of course. We just have make sure they know the recitals exist (well, when they exist), that's all!

        Update: I have received replies from advanced pianists who are quality members of PW who said they are joining PT. Won't name names, but that is encouraging.

        I really don't mind what system gets chosen (if any), but speaking strictly for myself what I enjoyed most about the PW recital system is the complete randomness of it all.

        If someone right before or after me plays a long and complicated concert level piece it doesn't make me feel inferior (though very jealous of course 😁) But they have played for 50 years and I am one year in, no problem.

        Whereas if I get lumped in with the toddler section where I belong, I might start to feel terrible because someone who started later than I did made it to the intermediate level.

        Again I don't have a very strong opinion either way, but I have a slight preference for completely random 😊

          Sophia I agree, I think the PW recitals are just fine the way they are. All levels are welcome to participate. I can understand when a teacher hosts their own recitals and decides the order, but they know their students so they can decide to order the recital as they see fit. Order by submission date/time works fine for PW.

          Great ideas!

          Shall we run the next Quarterly recital in parallel with ABF on PW? We might start with duplicate submissions on PW and PT and see how it all works out.

          Based on all the suggestions, this is doable:

          • On the day the recital submission period starts, a volunteer or leader with special permissions creates a Recital thread.
          • Every performer submits their performance. Nobody can see it but them and the leader/mods. They can edit it at any time.
          • P|T doesn't host the performance. The performance can be on YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud. Other embeds may work as well but those are the ones I tested. Let me know your favorite ones.
          • On the day the recital goes live, the leader approves all the submissions.
          • I think we can have a Recital banner at the top of homepage to announce it.
          • Optional: The leader has the ability to crosspost the recital across forums and super sticky the recital as well.
          • Optional: The leader can delete posts that don't include the performance in them yet, so that the submission order can be enforced like PW.

          Now that PianoTell works locally on my laptop, I was able to pilot this. I crammed everything in one screenshot so that you get the idea. Only the submitter/leader can see the post that is marked as Awaiting approval.

            navindra In parallel on the same dates as PW or alternative dates (say in anti-phase) ?

              Next to the themed and quarterly recitals there is always one month left. Maybe we should have recitals those months. I'm afraid if we have the same recital here and on pw it's going to be a bit chaotic.

                Josephine Next to the themed and quarterly recitals there is always one month left. Maybe we should have recitals those months. I'm afraid if we have the same recital here and on pw it's going to be a bit chaotic.

                On the contrary, I think having it at the same time is better because if anyone has prepared a piece they will submit it to both recitals at the same time, wheras if someone is not ready they will skip and wait for the recital on the other forum. Therfore, the participation will be split up and lower on both forums.


                  The participation is what I'm worried about. Are we also going to write in a discussion thread both here and there?

                  BartK If we are to have recitals on PT it is my belief that they
                  need to be different in some way from PW recitals. Firstly they need to appeal to PT members so perhaps they should be more informal. Besides fully polished pieces, work in progress pieces could be encouraged. I am not sure if comments are a good thing. In my view the timing of recitals on PT should be different to PW. Some difficult choices to make.

                  Pallas I second everything Pallas said here. I too have no preference what system P|T will adopt... my only wish is that it will adopt its own culture in time. I know that some have years of history tied to PW, so some will feel a lot more nostalgic about the place. Whereas I have good memories (it's where I met you all), there are some things I would like to leave behind in there (some of the cultural aspects). And I absolutely think that @Sam's wishes are gospel when it comes to recitals. I mean it's his baby 🙂

                  Just speaking for myself, I wouldn't mind if this recital environment is sufficiently different from PW so it won't feel like competition. For example three times a year instead of quarterly, distinctions like that to make it unique to this forum. Perhaps January, May and September. Maybe even each themed - for example January - anything goes. May - themed recital. September - everyone is wearing something blue. I'm joking of course... but seriously, I'm really hoping this place will come to stand on its own and not depend on whatever goes on in PW. That's my wish 🤞

                  I’m gonna make a blunt observation. It seems like almost everyone who has recently been an ABF participant is posting quite a bit here and almost nothing there. There are a few regular recital members who don’t post much to the forum, other than at the time of recitals, so I don’t know whether they’d make the trip over to participate in a recital here, but other than those few people, I think most of the committed people are spending a lot more time here these days.

                  I like this new forum a lot. But it’s possible that it’s the latest shiny toy, and in time people may get bored with it and go back. Or it may really take off. My sense is that a lot of us who are over here were pretty unhappy with a lot of things at the other place, so I’m optimistic.

                  However, any recitals over here are currently an abstraction. My sense is that Navindra’s got a lot going on to set this place up in a way that is sustainable long-term, and I’m sure this will be a priority ahead of doing whatever needs to be done to set up a recital. Anyways, I’m sure that if/when a recital series gets started, there will be plenty of issues to work out, things that work well and things that don’t. My opinion is that we don’t need to get bogged down right now in things like timing, how much distinction there should be with PW recitals, etc. I think the first recitals will, as much as anything, be an opportunity to sort out how to get them going, work out the kinks, etc.

                    Right, I think we're all basically saying the same thing here. It's perfectly acceptable to wait and see how things play out. There is no rush to make any decisions here... this is P|T. Anything can happen here.

                    And PW is PW, where recitals are scheduled and planned for the future... where we can participate if we wish, or leave them to it if we don't 😃

                    I think that independent of what is happening on PW, having Reticals can be a tentpole or anchor feature for a new site like PT to keep momentum going and positive, proactive engagement up!

                    I personally don't mind if the recital theme/schedule mirrors PW (a good way to ensure that folks who share to one recital can do so here as well, and vice versa) or strikes out independently, but I'm in favor of getting something going quickly, so we can get a strong start and a good baseline to improve and iterate on 🙂