Well, I have now learned the first two variations of the St Louis Blues and started the last one. Of course I am cheating a little... I love Christian's teaching but his speed is sometimes fast, sometimes slow, some of it he repeats several times and other passages he just explains once, quickly, and expect you to understand. But for this particular lesson I have found another teacher: WieBluesy 😇
I'm just now starting to realize how well you master your lessons, WW... your timing is bang on. You are very lucky... almost everything in music can be taught, except good timing. Either you have it or you don't... and very obviously you do. So much so that I can use your recital piece to teach me, because I'm basically a lazy learner, always finding shortcuts. It's nice when someone did the heavy lifting already! 🏋🏻
It'll probably be another week or so until I'm ready to start recording... and it will be on the Clavinova because the keyboard isn't big enough for this lesson 🤨
Edit: ooooh!!! I THOUGHT something sounded horrible (not you! when I played from sheet music). He made a mistake in his ending. He put Eb-A-C and it sounded dreadful even for modern music. Of course when I checked his lesson, he played Db-G-Bb. You avoiced that altogether in your recital piece WW ^_^