PianoMonk Where's the sheet music? Did you play this from memory?
I decided that if I want to learn blues, I need to learn to play those from memory Arguably "learning my lines" is taking me even longer than to master the lesson itself
PianoMonk > Where are the cats?
They were around ^_^ But Simba enjoys lying on the Clavinova more, because there is no room for him on the e373. The kittens were actually singing in the background, but you didn't hear that because... (see below)
PianoMonk So, many questions.... Why did you decided to record the 373 over the Clavinova? The e373 sounds fine, even through the speakers, which is a bit of a surprise.
Very nice questions indeed I wanted a drum track, so the 373 won out this time. Also, it has a feature that the Clavinova doesn't have: a USB Type B to USB Type C connector. Which means I can connect the 373 directly to my S24 Ultra and use the Rec'n'Share app to record. I can't tell you how often I have had to abandon recordings on my Clavinova because there was some loud bang somewhere - or even because the pedal decided to make a huge clicking sound. I think that explains why the sound quality is so good, because it doesn't get picked up by tinny phone speakers, but it is using direct audio output.
PianoMonk I'm still thinking about the e383, but afraid I'd miss the hammer action.
Me too, and my previous lesson showed how much you have to adjust... WieWaldi called it "barking tones", but also some notes didn't sound at all because you have to be a lot more exact in your attack. Which I actually consider a good thing, because it shows much more ruthlessly where my playing is sloppy
But you are right, I wouldn't want this to be the only piano. I know the Clavinova is not quite at the same level as an actual acoustic, but it sure comes close... and I would really miss the action too if I were confined to just the keyboard.