I just imagine this Dumbodog sitting at a piano, making use of left and right pedal with both ears.

I always thought, I need larger hands to be a good pianist... turned out I was wrong.

Nightowl WieWaldi I share your pain WW, I'm in the same boat as you (a rowing boat, watching Sophia zoom ahead in her speedboat). Slow but steady may not win the race but it can still get you where you want to be. 🙂

Are you sure?

It feels more like
while Sophia is

Guess her will to advance is tremendous. The more I think about it, the better she fits as the PACT coordinator. If Navindra has another job for a full time clown, . Enough talking, back to the piano. There is still a lot to learn... sigh

    WieWaldi If Navindra has another job for a full time clown

    What? I can do both! Half PACT coordinator and half clown 🤡
    Let me remind you...

    WieWaldi this course of Christian is just fun to do. We pianists are said to be very serious, too serious about our playing. He isn't, it's just the right mixture between fun and learning.

    I never want to forget I'm learning piano as a fun hobby. I'll have enough time to be serious and slow down after I grow up...

    (Oops I didn't see the fine print, lol)

    I practise about an hour a day, sometimes less, sometimes a little more. And never serious stuff like scales for me... just blues and Alfred 🫢

      Good news: Just arrived at the very last line!
      Bad news: It is the hardest one - with a huge margin!
      Good news: But it sounds the best!
      Bad news: None of my lines are polished right now... except the warm-up line.

      I'm really starting to look forward to hearing your lesson! Sounds like it's a very interesting one! 😍

      The video is 46 minutes, but it costs me 46 days to learn

      I'm sure it'll be worth the wait 🤩

        Bad news: So far, it sounds only good, if Christian plays it. 🙄

          Sophia I practise about an hour a day, sometimes less, sometimes a little more. And never serious stuff like scales for me... just blues and Alfred 🫢

          Ah, ok.

          I practise about half the time, I am online in this forum. 😉

          I agree, the forum is addictive 😋 But so is piano, sometimes. During the summer months I was lucky to get in 30 minutes per day - too many distractions. Plus the book (Alfred 2) was really dull. Now of course the weather is cold, the skies are grey, the days are dark and the blues course is getting really interesting. So is a lot of Alfred 3 now.

          WieWaldi So far, it sounds only good, if Christian plays it.

          Yeah, I hear you... when I don't compare my version with anyone, I play fantastic in my own ears. Surely I'm beyond beginner now. Then sometimes I make the mistake to listen to a pro (ok, who am I kidding, random small child) playing the same thing, and suddenly my level is reduced all the way back to bloody beginner. I don't think we shall ever exceed "beginner" status 🤐 But at least we have all those beginner stages to look forward to! One day we'll be eternal beginner! 🥳

          Sophia Where's the sheet music? Did you play this from memory? Well done at any rate.
          Where are the cats?
          So, many questions.... Why did you decided to record the 373 over the Clavinova? The e373 sounds fine, even through the speakers, which is a bit of a surprise. I'm still thinking about the e383, but afraid I'd miss the hammer action.

            PianoMonk Where's the sheet music? Did you play this from memory?

            I decided that if I want to learn blues, I need to learn to play those from memory 🙂 Arguably "learning my lines" is taking me even longer than to master the lesson itself 😃

            PianoMonk > Where are the cats?

            They were around ^_^ But Simba enjoys lying on the Clavinova more, because there is no room for him on the e373. The kittens were actually singing in the background, but you didn't hear that because... (see below)

            PianoMonk So, many questions.... Why did you decided to record the 373 over the Clavinova? The e373 sounds fine, even through the speakers, which is a bit of a surprise.

            Very nice questions indeed 😃 I wanted a drum track, so the 373 won out this time. Also, it has a feature that the Clavinova doesn't have: a USB Type B to USB Type C connector. Which means I can connect the 373 directly to my S24 Ultra and use the Rec'n'Share app to record. I can't tell you how often I have had to abandon recordings on my Clavinova because there was some loud bang somewhere - or even because the pedal decided to make a huge clicking sound. I think that explains why the sound quality is so good, because it doesn't get picked up by tinny phone speakers, but it is using direct audio output.

            PianoMonk I'm still thinking about the e383, but afraid I'd miss the hammer action.

            Me too, and my previous lesson showed how much you have to adjust... WieWaldi called it "barking tones", but also some notes didn't sound at all because you have to be a lot more exact in your attack. Which I actually consider a good thing, because it shows much more ruthlessly where my playing is sloppy 🙂

            But you are right, I wouldn't want this to be the only piano. I know the Clavinova is not quite at the same level as an actual acoustic, but it sure comes close... and I would really miss the action too if I were confined to just the keyboard.

              Sophia Oh, I didn't realize you recorded it from the usb. That's why I thought those speakers sounded so good. Doesn't the s24 have an audio input to go from Clav? I guess audio inputs are so 1990s.
              Anyway, after listening with headphones, you sound good. The panning from that electric piano preset is a little distracting, and the e373 does have that nice grand piano.

                Sophia Also, it has a feature that the Clavinova doesn't have: a USB Type B to USB Type C connector.

                According to the sound quality, it was kind of obvious you didn't use a microphone. No room atmosphere, no key noise, nothing. Sterile like my recordings. I just expected you to use a analogue signal like line-out or a headphone out and always wondered, why you don't do this on the Clavinova, too. Just forgot, your keyboard is similar equipped like mine:
                Only 1 headphone jack and USB-to-host for digital recording.

                Btw, nice pedal. Was this included at your bargain price? And what about the X-stand?

                  PianoMonk The panning from that electric piano preset is a little distracting,

                  Panning? Do you mean what I would call delay or echo effect? If so, it distractred me a little bit, too. Just imagine how good this sounded without that effect 😮

                    PianoMonk I guess audio inputs are so 1990s.

                    Haha yes and so is the Clavinova... it's probably 25 to 30 years old though I'm not sure how old EXACTLY - it came as a package deal together with a husband. And then remained unplayed for two decades. It has midi output but no audio out... so I record everything the hard way (just my phone mic) 😁

                    WieWaldi Btw, nice pedal. Was this included at your bargain price? And what about the X-stand?

                    Nope, neither! I got both the pedal and the stand from Amazon separately... and I see both have gone up in price since. Oh wait, no I got the package deal and I did indeed pay $73 (+tax).

                    WieWaldi Panning? Do you mean what I would call delay or echo effect?

                    Oh I missed that comment... what do you mean PianoMonk? What panning/delay/echo effect would that be?

                      I was considering to have a grown up pedal, too. But decided for the toy pedal + transport bag, because I want to have a small and lightweight package for travel. And when I decided, I thought: "Pedal? I'll never use it. So, why carrying extra weight for nothing? But if I really need a pedal, then I have one."

                      Edit: So you invested the savings of the discontinued model wisely 🤓

                        WieWaldi So you invested the savings of the discontinued model wisely 🤓

                        Yuppp!! Did I ever mention that pedals are my fascination? Ok, only a hundred times. But, it bears repeating: pedals are my fascination. Plus I figured that a keyboard might need replacing someday for a new/better model... but a stand and GOOD pedal are probably good for life 🤣

                        Sophia A common feature on the original electric pianos, like Fender Rhodes, Wurlitzer 200, was a tremolo, similar to that on organs. Later on, when stereo was available, this tremolo could be oscillated from left to right to left, on and on, and with headphones it's very noticeable. This effect is called panning. Without seeing the e373, I would guess that preset has that effect turned on, but it's probably adjustable as to how much, speed, or even turn off.

                        Your Clavinova doesn't have a headphone jack? I thought even the earliest models had one. If you discover that it does, that can be used to record audio. But, you'd still need that "stone aged" audio input on your phone, or whatever your recording on.

                        By the way... most modern phones have pretty good microphones. So, nothing to do with the little speakers on the phone. My relatively old iphone SE has a microphone good enough to record bird songs from around our yard with surprising clarity. And, it also has the 3.5mm headphone/mic jack, which is one of the reason I still use it.

                        Ahhh I see! Thank you for that. I was wondering if you were talking about a keyboard setting or my lack of playing skills, because either is equally conceivable 😃 I haven't even scratched the surface of all the bells and whistles of my e373; it could very well be possible to adjust it. Another thing that puzzles me is the lack of documentation on the built in features such as a list of all the sound banks. It does have a few manuals etc, but the documentation still leaves a lot of guessing!

                        I'm pretty sure that the Clavinova has a headphone jack in the back. I'm rather stone aged myself though, so I'm happy to mount the phone on a tripod and record that way, hoping that no one coughs, sneezes, meows or bangs around too noisily.

                        Have you decided on the e383 yet? 😋