Heh true! But in my defense I had no idea how much fun it would turn out to be. I hardly even need PACT now to keep me going Just kidding, PACT is here to stay too
Beginners blues/boogie/rock discussion
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Sophia ... I flew through the first Alfred book in about six weeks, just catching up with what I had already picked up in the past.
Also, I'm starting to think that I probably picked up more from my parents (both professional musicians) than I realized.
You see, I was totally right about our brains... Mine is more like a and your's like
(fast food).
WieWaldi see here
Btw, what did your parent do as professional musicians?
Hahaha nooooooooooo! My brain is more like this: (thank you for the tip on resizing images!)
My dad studied clarinet and played in the national operetta company, until the traveling became too much and he became a fulltime clarinet/sax/harmonica teacher. My mother studied violin and piano and played violin in an (amateur) orchestra at first, and later almost exclusively piano, part-time accompanying soloists, choirs etc. So I was basically spoon-fed on music...
Nah just kidding, I never expressed a real interest in learning to play an instrument so all I ever did was use them as toys, including our piano. But as I said, I am slowly starting to realize that some of it probably rubbed off a little more than I thought... because I'm definitely a in many other areas
Spoon fed?
No no - your parents injected the talent:
And no matted how hard you run away...
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Well, I have now learned the first two variations of the St Louis Blues and started the last one. Of course I am cheating a little... I love Christian's teaching but his speed is sometimes fast, sometimes slow, some of it he repeats several times and other passages he just explains once, quickly, and expect you to understand. But for this particular lesson I have found another teacher: WieBluesy
I'm just now starting to realize how well you master your lessons, WW... your timing is bang on. You are very lucky... almost everything in music can be taught, except good timing. Either you have it or you don't... and very obviously you do. So much so that I can use your recital piece to teach me, because I'm basically a lazy learner, always finding shortcuts. It's nice when someone did the heavy lifting already!
It'll probably be another week or so until I'm ready to start recording... and it will be on the Clavinova because the keyboard isn't big enough for this lesson
Edit: ooooh!!! I THOUGHT something sounded horrible (not you! when I played from sheet music). He made a mistake in his ending. He put Eb-A-C and it sounded dreadful even for modern music. Of course when I checked his lesson, he played Db-G-Bb. You avoiced that altogether in your recital piece WW ^_^
Thanks for your kind words.
Yes - the ending was weird. He teached two of them, one for the repeat and a final one. Possible, I cheated a little bit and made my life easy. But hey, if you didn't do this lesson now, nobody would have noticed. ^^
Haha true! But then I also noticed how much your version matches the actual lesson. Because in blues, we can easily cheat and make up our own rhythm or notes. No one would notice normally - only those people who do the same course
I sent Christian a message about the mistake, it's obvious what happened (he just placed every note one location too high).
Hmmm - slowly, but steadily I get this feeling again
Sophia almost everything in music can be taught, except good timing. Either you have it or you don't...
Hey @Sophia, I disagree! Just like other aspects of playing I think we have varying degrees of talent for timing, and if our natural sense of timing isn't solid we can learn to do better. I speak from experience including lots of metronome time! Also, I would never claim that any aspect of music or anything else can't be taught. I have managed to at least somewhat overcome my lack of innate talent with hard work and discipline and for me it's all the more rewarding because I had to work so hard to get where I am!
Sophia Well, I started lesson 12 for real now... it's so smooth, I like it! I also just now found out that he sent me the wrong book... I thought I purchased the bundle of his entire course... and I did. But instead of book 3, he sent me book 1, 2 and Easy Licks in C. I don't mind, I'll just buy volume 3 separately. WieWaldi, is this the course you are following?
The link to his playlist doesn't work so I just want to make sure. Then I'll get that as well
What exactly did you get? I am currently puzzled. I have Easy Blues Piano Vol I + II, covering lesson 1-4 and 5-8.
Lesson 10 is sold seperately.
Volume 3 contains lesson 11-13
But I am missing lesson 9 - it links to Vol II (covering 5-8)
Sophia I sent Christian a message about the mistake, it's obvious what happened
How did you contact him? I haven't seen a comment from you in the YouTube comments.
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rogerch Just like other aspects of playing I think we have varying degrees of talent for timing, and if our natural sense of timing isn't solid we can learn to do better.
Hehe, Roger, I actually agree 100% (or more) with everything you said. So if you disagreed with my post, that means I probably worded it too clumsily or too cryptic... happens a lot to me You are absolutely correct - anyone can learn to do BETTER, no matter our natural abilities. But if those natural abilities are strong to start with, it's just that much easier to get it right. I was referring to people such as Nightowl and WieWaldi (and others!) who are self teaching and have shown to possess solid internal timing - they are fortunate with that, because not everyone is that lucky. Others can also learn to get better at it (unless they are one of those very unfortunate few who have no sense of timing at all, which is rare), but it would take a little more effort on their part, and probably quite a bit guiding and correcting by a teacher to "get it right".
It's like that in all aspects of life - sports, writing, programming, running, you name it. Everyone can and will get a better at any of those with practice, but for some it takes less practice than for others to reach the same level. Did I word it better this time?
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WieWaldi What exactly did you get? I am currently puzzled. I have Easy Blues Piano Vol I + II, covering lesson 1-4 and 5-8.
I just checked... I have
- Blues Piano For Beginners 1-7
- Blues Piano For Beginners 8-11
- Blues Piano For Beginners 12-16
- Easy licks for Blues piano in C updated
- Easy Blues Piano Bundle Series Vol 1+2+3
I think the last is a combined version of the course you're following - it starts with part 1-4, then 5-8, then 11-13 all in one bundle. So I guess 10 is missing in mine too... strange!
WieWaldi How did you contact him? I haven't seen a comment from you in the YouTube comments.
I sent an email - to the one that said to use to contact him. I haven't heard back though, so perhaps it's unmonitored after all!
Sophia It's like that in all aspects of life - sports, writing, programming, running, you name it. Everyone can and will get a better at any of those with practice, but for some it takes less practice than for others to reach the same level. Did I word it better this time?
Thanks Sophia! Yes, exactly.
Well, I learned the lesson... now it's a matter of playing it more smoothly and record it - done
I also heard back from Christian, so now he knows about the little error in the sheet music, but also about this forum. He seemed very amused that we are discussing his method like this, on the web
I hope he signs up! It would be cool to have him chiming in here!
Haha for sure! He'd be the thread celebrity