clavierhaus I'm jealous! You're one of the very few who own that combo.
Post pictures of your pianos here!
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Thank you SP. I will try it. (I need to upload some pics to Google Drive first!)
I wish they made piano brands more instantly recognizable from the external design. And I'm not talking about anything extreme such as space ship designs and whatnot. Just little things that are distinctive such as the shape of the Grotrian's tail end, but they could go a little bit further than that.
Gorgeous pianos all around!
That has to be the biggest teddy bear I’ve ever seen. Brilliant idea for sound control though! I may have to do something similar.
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shawarma_bees That has to be the biggest teddy bear I’ve ever seen. Brilliant idea for sound control though! I may have to do something similar.
Many thanks to Costco! You can see lots of photos from Google to get a sense of the scale of it, compared to humans and other objects.
Here is our bear, on our dining table bench:
It is indeed huge (7'9" | 236 centimeters). Makes our 280VC almost look like a baby grand. It also makes for a wonderful cushion for taking a nap, and "photo booth" when you have guests over!
We call the bear "Bearsendorfer."
I am loving all the photos, you all have such wonderful spaces!
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