Post pictures of your pianos here!
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HeartKeys On an unrelated note— how did you do the “details” click down section?
Just added a tutorial here when I figured it out!
And thank you!!
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Loving all these photos!!
clavierhaus WOW!
This is my 1960s/70s(?) Kimball Console. This is my "practice piano" for learning the piano technician trade. I'm currently working on tuning a temperament using fourths and fifths as my main intervals, with thirds and sixths to keep me honest. It's been a great instrument for it's purpose and value.
I hope to get some good photos of my "playing" piano tomorrow. I don't do any kind of technical work on that one. I leave it to the pros.
2005 August Förster 215
Maybe a Blüthner one day...
Beautiful pianos everyone!
Pallas, is that Yamaha a YUS5? I bet it sounds amazing! My first acoustic piano was a Yamaha U1, which is s little shorter than yours. I used to try to record with the front panel off. It sounded fantastic but I could never concentrate with the beauty of the action and the hammers and everything in my face!
Compared to most on this thread, it ain't much. But it's all I've got right now. (Actually, I do have another keyboard that isn't in the picture that I use to throw in the back of the car for rehearsals and perhaps outdoor gigs where the weather might be suspect.)
Wish I had room for a 7' Baldwin or something similar and a budget that allowed for it, not to mention a room large enough to put it. Not gonna happen short of a winning lottery ticket. Can't afford to buy it and don't have time to rebuild one. So...
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Don't worry, the husky is still around.
EDIT: I don't know why the second photo came out so blurry. To think, it was taken with a high quality camera. Go figure. Or maybe I'm not a high quality user. Either way I don't want to inundate the thread with excessive pics, so it'll have to do. Sorry :/
2005 August Förster 215
Maybe a Blüthner one day...