HeartKeys I didn’t like the feeling of being trapped in a corner and I had also hoped that turning the piano towards the entryway would help improve the tone and temper the volume. The tone did change some - more open, perhaps slightly less compressed or focused. The volume did not change. It still roars.

2005 August Förster 215
Maybe a Blüthner one day...

BTW @MRC I live the music desk on your piano!

@Bellyman , your space looks great to me! I always say that the best instrument is the one we actually have in our house.

    ShiroKuro , thanks very much! Actually, one thing that happens for me that wouldn't for many is that I gig. What you see is likely to be a very different picture when I have to play out somewhere as the main keyboard (and usually a backup) will be going with me, plus a bunch of stuff not seen in the picture.

    I kinda like practicing on the instrument(s) I'll actually be playing in performance. I know for some that is impossible. For me, that's a good thing because the instruments I'd be likely to be presented with in most of the places I'd play are way inferior to the ones I'd bring. Seriously, have seen some spinets in pretty much unplayable condition. "Thanks, I'll bring my own."

    Sam I got that same lego kit from my employees at my marketing agency. I love legos and had a blast assembling it.

    Here's the fun combo I play at church. We meet at the Ashland University chapel, so I get to play that old Steinway which (despite the abuse it's endured from being on campus) it still has terrific action and tone. Sometimes, I also bring my Nord Stage 3 like you see here.

    I'll circle back next week with photos from home.

    Sam All that time spent monkeying around at the piano.....

    If you're a zombie and you know it, bite your friend!

    Here’s my new to me 2019 Grotrian Charis 208

    1890 Steinway C (Piano Craft), 2019 Grotrian 208 Charis, Kawai Novus NV10S
    Southern California

      5 days later

      Piano looks wonderful in its snug location. Have you turned off the radiator on the floor at the tail end of the piano?

        Josephine As a blues player, I rather like old uprights!

        Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

        Oh yes, absolutely, it has been shut down forever!

        7 days later

        Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous pianos and spaces. Thanks to everyone who shared.

        Well, I’ll share a picture of my Bechstein…

        …my Casio-Bechstein that is, lol.

        Like Jane, I also have an apartment with cardboard walls. And to add insult to injury, my neighbors are the loudest people in the world, and yet complain over any sound above a whisper from others. So, no acoustic for me. 😂Instead, I have the Casio-Bechstein (yes, I’m really clinging to that Bechstein collaboration point lol) GP-310 digital piano, and have built myself a little music studio, where I practice, write, and teach.

          Taushi beautiful room!

          Given your situation with the neighbors, are there long term plans to move one day, to a more amenable situation?

            A silly photo from a while back. That is my old 1970 Yamaha G2, which has since been replaced with a 2007 C2. The new one looks virtually the same except for the fact that it has a satin finish, which, as I've mentioned before, seems to show more fingerprints. The extra brown piano bench has since been given to a friend of mine with a walnut Kawai. Anyway, "Max" is still around, and still likes the perceived protection of his piano cave!


            Thank you!

            At the moment, no. For at least the next two years I’ll be here. I’ve got some grants to do art here and have some fellowships and residencies I’ve applied for, so, my little cramped concrete jungle space will be the place for next few years lol.

            That said, in a year or two I may be moving to a different space in the building, so ideally, I won’t be as surrounded by neighbors, and may be able to look into an acoustic.

            a month later

            My rebuilt Steinway C finally arrived from PianoCraft in Maryland. Sounds amazing! Looks pretty great too! It’ll need time to settle in but so far I am very happy with it!

            1890 Steinway C (Piano Craft), 2019 Grotrian 208 Charis, Kawai Novus NV10S
            Southern California