David-G - in the reply mode, there's an icon .. probably the second on the lower left, looks like a 'picture' symbol. That allows you to upload an image file.

Flarum type forums do have options for users to look at their own set of uploads ... a feature called 'my media files' or something, which even allows you to load images and music files ... but looks like that feature isn't enabled or added. eg. in pianoclack, I see this ...

In flarum forums, it's even possible to upload music files/recordings in threads such as this one. Also not enabled or added yet.

At pianoclack forum, which has been running for a bit now, which is also a flarum type forum like Ptell, all those features are enabled. Can upload pics, music ... your own files ... no pre-req external site needed to be set up by members.

Do you think I could post a picture here if I had it stored on my Google Drive?

    David-G I'll check to see if it can be done.

    ----- working

    David ... in the reply window, the rightmost icon is also a pic icon, which is the pic link icon. Once you have the google drive link copied, then that link needs to be put >!into the part that has the 'http:' section. That is, your http link will replace that section. Below is what your link will look like in your post just before posting it. The all-important google link goes between the round brackets, and the word 'test' does not need to be added. The bit between the square brackets can be blank ... ie. just [] instead of [test] is fine. And the exclamation mark at the beginning is necessary.

    Some photos of our pianos!

    I shared in some threads in PW that the big teddy bear is primarily used for sound treatment and it does wonders.

      Rubens giant teddy bear on top

      Thanks! As far as the bear, it’s normally on the carpet. That photo was taken when I was cleaning the ground : )

      Thank you SP. I will try it. (I need to upload some pics to Google Drive first!)

      Rubens Yes, that's my Grotian 192, purchased from Cathy Harl in 2006.

      I used to have my old Howard/Kawai in the room as well. I would use the second piano to accompany Piano*Son when he was learning stuff that had an orchestral reduction.

      I wish they made piano brands more instantly recognizable from the external design. And I'm not talking about anything extreme such as space ship designs and whatnot. Just little things that are distinctive such as the shape of the Grotrian's tail end, but they could go a little bit further than that.

      • TC3 likes this.

      Pallas SK is my dream piano.

      They are so colorful and dreamy sound! At least with the one we currently have, and the ones I’ve played in showrooms (SK-2, 3, 6, 7).

      Gorgeous pianos all around!


      That has to be the biggest teddy bear I’ve ever seen. Brilliant idea for sound control though! I may have to do something similar.

        shawarma_bees That has to be the biggest teddy bear I’ve ever seen. Brilliant idea for sound control though! I may have to do something similar.

        Many thanks to Costco! You can see lots of photos from Google to get a sense of the scale of it, compared to humans and other objects.

        Here is our bear, on our dining table bench:

        It is indeed huge (7'9" | 236 centimeters). Makes our 280VC almost look like a baby grand. It also makes for a wonderful cushion for taking a nap, and "photo booth" when you have guests over!

        We call the bear "Bearsendorfer."

        I am loving all the photos, you all have such wonderful spaces!

        Ok, here is my piano room about old house (we moved bc I got a new position, I wish we could have taken this house with us!)

        Here is my piano in our current rental house.

        We’re moving againin a few weeks, so I’ll have to post an updated photo after we get all settled!

          Here is my Music Man Cave - probably many of you had seen when I posted on PW!

            brdwyguy I like everything about your room. Especially the bench. Reminds me of a Frasier episode in which it was revealed that Gil Chesterton was driving a red BMW with a red interior. The seats probably looked just like your bench😁.