navindra I thought that Journals would get their own space and I'm personally not loving the idea of them going into a "catch all" space. I think Journals are a great way for a single person to chronicle their learning journey (or to create a single thread to post their works in progress). An additional benefit is that if it's a single thread, it would be easy to "ignore" for anyone who's not interested, without ignoring that user entirely.
I look at PT on my phone and it's easiest to click on the "Discussions" tab which contains all threads across all topics, so with this use case the "forum bucket" doesn't matter so much. But if you have an official concept of Journals where they're tied to the journey of a particular user, I think it would encourage more people to start them and it would be something unique to PT! It's interesting to see people's progress and as their playing develops over time, plus as a bonus it could keep the forum a little tidier 🙂
Also, regarding "healthy off-topic": ultimately it's up to you how much off-topic you'd like to allow, but I think allowing all topics would degrade PT. If it were possible on the mobile website to only view a group of sub-forums of interest using settings, then I could just filter out an "off-topic" forum (I remember you sending me a search mechanism, but it didn't show unread posts in bold), but the forum software doesn't work that way. I am interested in piano and some general music-related subjects but I think there's plenty of other online space for all the other topics that could be discussed and I personally have no interest in seeing that here.
I like the idea of moderation preferences, especially in the context of journals. As we'd discussed before (maybe privately?), I got the concept of Journals from another forum that I'm a part of. A Journal "belongs" to that user and is a safe space for them, and they can choose what kind of discussion (content and tone) they want from other participants.
navindra Unfortunately, the One Rule isn't to everyone's pleasing and sometimes folks just don't get along. We've had some folks say the rule is too restrictive and others say the rule isn't nearly restrictive enough. It's a balancing act.
Wow, I'm pretty shocked that "be nice" can be considered too restrictive? For anyone who feels this way, there are plenty of other places to talk about piano.
Navin, thank you for being so thoughtful about how to organize PT and to all the mods for keeping it a great place. Looking forward to seeing how it grows!