navindra if it makes sense to have a new sub forum for the kind of blogging/journaling content you’re indicating, then I think it’s worth splitting this out into its own place. And I think that for things like blogs/journals etc it makes a good amount of sense for the primary person to be able to indicate the kind of participation/feedback that they want. That said, this is a public forum and I don’t think people should expect the kind of control they’d have as compared with writing in your old fashioned journal that has a little lock on it. However, I don’t think people expect that, either.
I guess my question is about moderation more generally. Maybe I’m misunderstanding, but my perception from the OP is that there was unhappiness about moderation and this new sub-forum is supposed to respond to that by being a place where people can dictate their moderation preferences and these will be respected.
My opinion is that this isn’t going to work well. Moderation is really tricky, and I think it’s not a good idea to have the primary poster in a thread be the de facto moderator for their thread. When things get difficult, you need someone outside of the situation to make the tough calls.
This said, I do understand that there has been at least one instance recently when more than one person felt like threads had gotten to a point of toxicity, and that the moderators’ response was insufficient to make them comfortable with ongoing participation.I think this was quite unfortunate, and I miss their voices here. I also recognize that decisions about moderation are fraught, that you will never please everyone, and that as a space grows, it becomes more and more difficult to maintain an environment where all participants feel welcomed and encouraged to participate fully. If you want to have a re-think about the moderation policies, though, I think this needs to be a very serious re-think. I don’t think that it will work to have lots of threads with different moderation policies, determined by as many participants as threads.