Animisha My heart goes out to you Josephine, you have gone through a very tough time. β™₯️
For what it is worth, I never experienced you as easily getting angry or annoyed. You may have felt it more inside of you than you have shown this to us.

I agree!

@Josephine I completely understand what it is like to care for a cat with health problems, and how much we love our pets and how stressful it can all be. The two cats I had when I joined PW are no longer with us, and now we have three different cats, but I did not update my username πŸ˜‰

I always thought your concerns were very reasonable and that you have always been kind and calm.

Josephine It may sound weird because it's 'just a cat' but he was very important to me.

With you all the way, Josephine. We too lost two cats only weeks apart almost exactly one year ago. One due to old age and the other because of a sudden illness - gone in less than two weeks, and we were suddenly left with just one surviving cat. That's how the two kittens came into our life... but we too still grieved over our losses a long time.

Josephine it's often me complaining and being dramatic in those threads.

Absolutely NEVER seen anything like that! I think you are among the calmest and most reasonable forum participants!

@Josephine - I’m so sorry to hear about your sick cat. I’m not a pet person, but I can feel from your post how much love and dedication you had for this member of your family.

Like everyone else has said, at no time do I feel like you were anything but gracious and even-tempered in your posts, and I don’t think you were ever overly emotional or dramatic. You have nothing to apologize for.