Stub What MG has given me is permission to not work on everything every day. Before I felt guilty, but now I feel justified!
Me too. I still get a bad case of the "shoulds" sometimes but then I talk myself out of it because I know there can be benefits to letting something marinate in the background if I get excited about working on a new shiny piece (a near weekly occurrence...).
Pallas So what, sometimes I just want to play through and enjoy my pieces. It's not a crime!
Indeed...this may be the only piece of advice she offered that I have flat-out rejected. I am totally on board with focusing on trouble spots, and I've had good results recently with zeroing in on those exclusively for the first several weeks before I spend much time on the rest of the piece. But I'm not going to avoid playing through if I feel like it. I enjoy it too much, and my teacher expects it at every lesson anyway. I'm not walking into that unprepared.