Pallas The main reason I stopped diligently Mollying is because I haven't figured out how to manage my workload that way and still meet my teacher's expectations that I work on every piece every day.
This is pretty much how it's worked out for me. Over the summer, when I didn't have lessons, I could (in a very non-rigid manner) follow the MG schedule. But once lessons started up again, the schedule went out the window. Though my teacher has not explicitly stated the expectation that I work on each piece every day, there would be the expectation that they had received some practice time during the week.
In effect, what I was doing before the MG videos is what I do now: a chunk of a brand new piece gets worked on every day for at least the first three or four days; after that I can let it rest for a day or so while I work on other things. In my reading, that's the essence of the MG schedule. What MG has given me is permission to not work on everything every day. Before I felt guilty, but now I feel justified!