Pallas I think in 2025, I will be lucky to get 2/month.
You may be surprised. Especially if you work on more than one piece at a time.
I have a "40 piece" tab in my spreadsheet practice diary more as a record of pieces I've completed than a goal. I generally have 4 pieces at various stages:
1) Lesson book
2) RCM repertoire or etude piece
3) Non-classical piece of my choice
4) Quick study to improve my reading
The list starts off at a snails pace, but by the the end of the year, they've accumulated and I'm always amazed.
As far as learning time, I'd say 3 weeks feels like my average, although one piece took me a whopping 4 months and occasionally I'll get lucky with a quick study and get it a single sitting instead of a more typical few days to 2 weeks,