iternabe But I hesitate to make it a goal. It was more like a by-product for me this year, an enjoyable surprise. Now I am back following my method book, I am letting my progress dictate my study pace again.
Yes, that's exactly it... This year was hardly the norm of course. The first few months I spent just catching up with the things I already knew/learned in the past (hence the spontaneous Thompson recording which actually even surprised me how quickly that went). I also went through two and (almost) a half Alfred books... and the blues course went pretty smoothly at first. I qualified for several speeding tickets
Now that the piano is becoming more of a challenge (in a good way!), that also means I just can't make that kind of commitment just yet. This is definitely entering completely new territory for me. I'm enjoying polishing pieces a lot more now that they are starting to sound like music, and it's easier to skip pieces I don't like. Which doesn't count for the challenge
As for the name, my "suggestions" were firmly tongue in cheek, but any variation of 40P sounds great to me