Like @thepianoplayer416, I have a Piano de Voyage. Besides the semi-weighted and spring-loaded nature of the keys that feels pretty weird when playing fast or light passages, the short key levers also mean that when you play up between the black keys, it takes noticeably more force to press the key down.
The pieces of the keyboard are actually just slightly large enough to be inconvenient to pack into a carry-on, so I still need to figure out the best way to carry all 4 pieces. A couple weeks ago, I brought along 3 of the sections totaling 63 keys on a short trip. That was mostly sufficient to practice notes for the Haydn Sonata I've been learning (minus a couple low Gs) but couldn't really do any more delicate work due to the nature of the action. And it definitely wasn't enough range to practice most of my rep.
"You're a smart kid. But your playing is terribly dull."