1. Player1 — Energico
Nice playing of a fun piece! The runs in the right hand sound really good, and the answering left hand gives your playing a nice call and response feel. I like your expressive playing! Also the sCAT part sounds great and goes well with your playing!
3. keff — A Nightingale Sang in Berkeley Square
Thanks for sharing your lovely playing of this beautiful piece!
4. Sophia — Fascination
I’m impressed by your confident, expert execution. The boom-chuck-chuck in the left hand and the dynamics in the right hand work well together produce a great waltz feel. Very nice!
5. Sgisela — Joropo
I love this! I was impressed by this for the fast pieces recital and I enjoyed listening again. It’s a lovely piece and your playing is exquisite. This time around I was struck by what a great job you do articulating this piece with sparing use of the pedal so that the individual notes really stand out. Thanks for sharing!
6. pseudonym58 — Images (5) for orchestra
What a huge project to transcribe, learn, and perform these pieces! I am impressed! I remember some of these from your Member Recordings posts and it’s great to hear them again here!
I’m not familiar with the orchestral versions, but your arrangements sound convincing and Debussy-like to my ears. Your playing sounds professional: very clear with great expression and dynamics. The result is great to listen to, thanks for sharing!
My favorite piece from the set is #4: Iberia III. I hear a fun bouncy piece. A great arrangement and I love the way you play it!
I’m curious: when you were learning to play the arrangements, did you go back and make revisions? For playability, consistency with the orchestral version, better sound, or any other reasons?
7. Sam — Perpetual Motion #1
What a great piece! I like how it alternates between really lovely and kind of spooky. Very interesting to have such different moods with the left hand playing the same notes. You play very well and the tempo sounds good to my ears. I’m glad you were able to play and I hope you make a full recovery!
8. hebele — Downtown Abbey theme
You are doing great. This sounds really good! To my ear the dynamics sound good. You emphasize the melody over a subdued accompaniment, and vary the loudness within each phrase. I like the accents on some of the high notes at the end. Well done!
9. MarieJ — Week #7
I like your tasteful, delicate playing of this contemplative piece. The music is lovely and you give it space to breathe. Thanks for your playing!
10. plop_symphony — A Lincoln Tribute
Very well played with lots of great detail! I like the soft repeated bass notes and the dynamic contrast. The soft sections are delicate and subdued, with nice crescendo to the more energetic sections.
11. thepianoplayer416 — Air in D minor
Short and sweet! I’m glad you were able to participate in the recital. Great legato playing, nicely played!