Update 3: 15 August 2024

PianoTell Recital #1 is now live!

Please comment on the performances directly on the recital thread.

Meta feedback on the recitals can be shared here if desired.

Update 2: 31 July 2024

The recital is now open for submissions!

Who's going to be the first to submit? 🙂

Update 1: 15 July 2024

We’re starting something new here at PianoTell, yet, something also familiar, building on top of the long and successful tradition of ABF Quarterly Recitals.

Get Ready for PianoTell Recital #1!

We will open for submissions on 31 July 2024 and the recital will go live on 15 August 2024.

In consultation with @Sam , we’re timing PianoTell Recital #1 with ABF Quarterly Recital #75, especially as we’re just getting started and learning about what will work best. An advantage of this timing is that you may choose to submit your performance to one or both recitals based on preference.

The recital is open to anyone, of any skill level, whether you are a learner, a seasoned performer, or even a teacher! All performances are welcome.

This is an opportunity to both showcase your hard work and to seek feedback. You may specify the flavor of feedback that you are comfortable with.



**Performer:** Name or Alias + Location + Experience
**Piece:** Title + Composer
**Comment Policy:** Feedback type desired (see below).

<Performance Embed>

**Source of music:** ...
**Instrument:** ...
**Recording method:** ...
**Additional info:** Tell your story or share any interesting details related to your performance!

You may use the ABF template to specify the Comment Policy:

  • No Comments Please!
  • Polite Comments only: no suggestions for improvement please.
  • General Comments only: Polite, supportive, suggestions for improvement.
  • Critical Comments: Anything goes!

Performance Embed:

  • If you have a video, that's great! Otherwise, audio-only is fine.
  • Upload your performance to YouTube, Vimeo, SoundCloud, or Google Drive.
    • Your media may be public or unlisted but private will not work.
    • The direct link needs to be posted so that the performance is embedded on PT.
    • Ask for help!

Submitters are requested to keep their performances up for at least a period of 30 days and as long as possible after that.

Do you want to host your performance elsewhere? Please let me know so that it can be tested.

Future Looking: In the future, we may put together a combined video or audio playlist from the submissions. This may require downloading the submissions and uploading them to a service such as SoundCloud. There are no current plans to do this, but let me know your thoughts on this... we can certainly provide an opt-out.


I hope Dynasty Battles doesn't mind that I used his video purely for illustrative purposes with some fictional details.

**Performer:** Dynasty Battles from Philadelphia, USA. I've been playing since 2004.
**Piece:** Prelude No. 15 in G Major, BWV 860, from The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1, by Johann Sebastian Bach.
**Comment Policy:** Critical Comments: Anything goes!


**Source of music:** IMSLP.
**Instrument:** Bösendorfer 280VC.
**Recording method:** iPhone X with large condenser microphones.
**Additional info:** My piano at home was out of tune, so I popped by my friend’s piano shop to record this piece just in the nick of time for the recital!

Performer: Dynasty Battles from Philadelphia, USA. I've been playing since 2004.
Piece: Prelude No. 15 in G Major, BWV 860, from The Well-Tempered Clavier Book 1, by Johann Sebastian Bach.
Comment Policy: Critical Comments: Anything goes!

Source of music: IMSLP.
Instrument: Bösendorfer 280VC.
Recording method: iPhone X with large condenser microphones.
Additional info: My piano at home was out of tune, so I popped by my friend’s piano shop to record this piece just in the nick of time for the recital!

What's Next?

Are you participating?

Feel free to pledge to perform a piece in the comments below.

Then — practice, practice, practice!

Since the recital went live, this is an archive of the original submission instructions.

Submit your performance now!

See here for details and updates on the recital.

Reply to this post, copy/paste the following template, update your details, and post the reply here.

Your submission will only be visible to yourself and the recital coordinator.


**Performer:** Name or Alias + Location + Experience
**Piece:** Title + Composer
**Comment Policy:** Feedback type desired (see below)

<Performance Embed> (see below)

**Source of music:** ...
**Instrument:** ...
**Recording method:** ...
**Additional info:** Tell your story or share any interesting details related to your performance!

You may use the ABF template to specify the Comment Policy:

  • No Comments Please!
  • Polite Comments only: no suggestions for improvement please.
  • General Comments only: Polite, supportive, suggestions for improvement.
  • Critical Comments: Anything goes!

Performance Embed:

  • If you have a video, that's great! Otherwise, audio-only is fine.
  • Upload your performance to YouTube, Vimeo, Rumble, SoundCloud, or Google Drive.
    • Your media may be public or unlisted but private will not work.
    • The direct link needs to be posted so that the performance is embedded on PT.
    • Ask for help!
  • Dropbox option: If hosting your performance using YouTube or other service is not an option, then you may submit your audio (e.g. MP3) or video file (e.g. MP4) here instead. In your submission, put <PT> as the placeholder for the performance.

Submitters are requested to keep their performances up for at least a period of 30 days and as long as possible after that.

Do you want to host your performance elsewhere? Please let me know so that it can be tested.


I hope Peter Bence doesn't mind that I used his video purely for illustrative purposes with some fictional details.

**Performer:** Peter Bence from Hungary. I've been playing since 1991.
**Piece:** Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie.
**Comment Policy:** Critical Comments: Anything goes!


**Source of music:** My own arrangement.
**Instrument:** Purple Yamaha U1 Upright inspired by Prince!
**Recording method:** iPhone X with large condenser microphones.
**Additional info:** I get a lot of requests to play Bohemian Rhapsody but I'm still not happy with my progress on that one. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this rendition of Under Pressure. It took me a whole week to spray paint the piano!

Performer: Peter Bence from Hungary. I've been playing since 1991.
Piece: Under Pressure by Queen & David Bowie.
Comment Policy: Critical Comments: Anything goes!

Source of music: My own arrangement.
Instrument: Purple Yamaha U1 Upright inspired by Prince!
Recording method: iPhone X with large condenser microphones.
Additional info: I get a lot of requests to play Bohemian Rhapsody but I'm still not happy with my progress on that one. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this rendition of Under Pressure. It took me a whole week to spray paint the piano!

    navindra stickied the discussion .

    I tried yesterday but couldn't get in to PW for the fast pieces recital. I did get in this morning to listen but it's not reliable and I can't seem to be able to post. I guess that means I'm going to submit here.

    Energico by Nancy Faber. I'll be playing the piano and the cat will be on vocals.

      Thank you for leading the way, @navindra - it's appreciated 😁 And @Player1 for being the first willing victim tester 😂

        No promises, but if I have something decent put together by then, I'll contribute. 🙂

        Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

        Somebody has to collect all the brass rings. If I recycle them I'll eventually have enough $$$ for a real piano.

        I'll be hosting my video on Rumble so if there's something special you need to put into the software for that, here's a heads up.

          Player1 I tried yesterday but couldn't get in to PW for the fast pieces recital. I did get in this morning to listen but it's not reliable and I can't seem to be able to post. I guess that means I'm going to submit here.

          Oh no! That’s very strange. There are a lot of great submissions.

          Player1 Energico by Nancy Faber. I'll be playing the piano and the cat will be on vocals.

          Looking forward to you accompanying the cat!

          Player1 I'll be hosting my video on Rumble so if there's something special you need to put into the software for that, here's a heads up.

          Sure. It was a bit of a head scratcher, but I think I figured it out. I searched for a piano video and this one came up:


          Pick the Embed option:

          Now copy "Embed IFRAME URL" and paste it here.

          Example: https://rumble.com/embed/v2dlhk6/?pub=4

          You should see this:

          So it's going to work for the recital. 🙂

          rsl12 what's the advantage of using Rumble over Youtube?

          I've learned that there are a lot of very strong opinions on video hosting that it's just best to try to support as many as possible. Davide and others had a lot to say about YouTube vs Vimeo on PW/PC.

          Player1 I tried yesterday but couldn't get in to PW for the fast pieces recital. I did get in this morning to listen but it's not reliable and I can't seem to be able to post. I guess that means I'm going to submit here.

          Were you trying to submit a piece? I think the recital closed on the 15th.

          I'll try to submit something here next month. Maybe I'll start over and resubmit the pieces I submitted over at PW. The second time around should be better.


            I was going to post comments on the recital.


            For me it's just easier. Uploads are faster too. (although that's changing as the platform gets more users.) Uploading to Youboob can take 10 minutes or more. Grumble is done and ready in just a couple of minutes.

            I’ll submit something! Not sure if it will be the same or different to what I submit on PW. In fact, I haven’t got to the end of the piece I was learning for Aug PW anyway, so we’ll see!

            I have a piece that might be ready by then.

            The only time I tried sharing a music file from Google Drive was on one of the monthly piano bar threads on PW. I thought I did everything right, but people couldn't access it and I had to use my box account instead. I'm game to try Google drive again because I store all my stuff there anyway and it'll be like a grudge match to get it to work.

              Yikes, I've been trying to whip a piece in submission and thought I had ample time still, but now I feel the pressure 😬

                If you thought that was a peptalk, it didn't work. Now I'm really scared 🤣😂🤣

                  It may still be a work in progress, but I think I have something close enough ...

                  Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.