Player1 I tried yesterday but couldn't get in to PW for the fast pieces recital. I did get in this morning to listen but it's not reliable and I can't seem to be able to post. I guess that means I'm going to submit here.

Oh no! That’s very strange. There are a lot of great submissions.

Player1 Energico by Nancy Faber. I'll be playing the piano and the cat will be on vocals.

Looking forward to you accompanying the cat!

Player1 I'll be hosting my video on Rumble so if there's something special you need to put into the software for that, here's a heads up.

Sure. It was a bit of a head scratcher, but I think I figured it out. I searched for a piano video and this one came up:

Pick the Embed option:

Now copy "Embed IFRAME URL" and paste it here.


You should see this:

So it's going to work for the recital. 🙂

rsl12 what's the advantage of using Rumble over Youtube?

I've learned that there are a lot of very strong opinions on video hosting that it's just best to try to support as many as possible. Davide and others had a lot to say about YouTube vs Vimeo on PW/PC.

Player1 I tried yesterday but couldn't get in to PW for the fast pieces recital. I did get in this morning to listen but it's not reliable and I can't seem to be able to post. I guess that means I'm going to submit here.

Were you trying to submit a piece? I think the recital closed on the 15th.

I'll try to submit something here next month. Maybe I'll start over and resubmit the pieces I submitted over at PW. The second time around should be better.


    I was going to post comments on the recital.


    For me it's just easier. Uploads are faster too. (although that's changing as the platform gets more users.) Uploading to Youboob can take 10 minutes or more. Grumble is done and ready in just a couple of minutes.

    I’ll submit something! Not sure if it will be the same or different to what I submit on PW. In fact, I haven’t got to the end of the piece I was learning for Aug PW anyway, so we’ll see!

    I have a piece that might be ready by then.

    The only time I tried sharing a music file from Google Drive was on one of the monthly piano bar threads on PW. I thought I did everything right, but people couldn't access it and I had to use my box account instead. I'm game to try Google drive again because I store all my stuff there anyway and it'll be like a grudge match to get it to work.

      Yikes, I've been trying to whip a piece in submission and thought I had ample time still, but now I feel the pressure 😬

        If you thought that was a peptalk, it didn't work. Now I'm really scared 🤣😂🤣

          It may still be a work in progress, but I think I have something close enough ...

          Enthusiastic but mediocre amateur.

          lilypad Hi Lilypad,
          When you select a file in Google Drive, click on 'Share', then under 'General access' select 'Anyone with the link', then click on 'Copy link', Click 'Done'. and then using the 'Add a link' feature, here, type your preferred title inside the first pair of square brackets, [ ], and paste the link from Drive into the parentheses ( )
          It is very similar to sharing from Box, except the type of access in Drive needs to be selected manually.
          Hope this works.
          Example from Drive:
          Happy Saturday

            Rob Thanks Rob! For the recital, you only need to paste the link directly. The ‘Add a link’ feature is not needed.

            Like this:


              navindra Thanks for that, Navindra.
              I just did it the other way to save space, but it is good to have it open directly in the page, as you have done here. 🙂

              Sophia your Lesson 6 sounded pretty good! I think you could polish it a little and add an ending.

              Rob Thank you, Rob. Trying it now. I must have left out a step when I tried it on PW way back when.

              Limpid Stream

              Hope this works.

              • Rob replied to this.
              • Rob likes this.

                navindra I think I got the Google Drive working thanks to Rob's instructions. At least it worked for me (Google knows that I'm the owner though). Google drive is my preference, so unless you want a Box test for other users, I'm good.

                  lilypad Let's use Google Drive since Box is not known to work but please copy and paste the link directly here like this:


                  Then it will show up directly embedded on PianoTell: