navindra Navindra, I LOVE that little Casio! It's so cute and I bet it's fun playing around with, on a long journey or perhaps sat outside in the sunshine, when you don't want to be indoors.
I recently upgraded from my 61 key Casio to a digital piano [AKA fake/not real deal/not deserving of the name piano/insert disparaging descriptive of choice because I don't care] and to me if feels like a substantive, proper grown up instrument. It does not have the beautiful curves of an acoustic piano made of solid wood, but for the price I paid it is surprisingly pretty and the sound is a real step up from my little Casio, which is now packed in its box until I donate it to charity for someone else to use. Yet despite having made the decision not to hoard a keyboard I'll never use, I am now sorely tempted to buy a mini keyboard like Navindra has, just for the novelty value!
"Don't let's ask for the moon, we have the stars." (Final line from Now,Voyager, 1942)