Performer: rsl12 (USA). Piano has been a hobby for decades. First half of my piano life was focused on classical, but now I'm into jazz.
Piece: Always Chew Your Food by Trout Fishing in America (Keith Grimwood and Ezra Idlet) with additional lyrics by rsl12 (inspired by Bellyman and maybe a little by Pallas )
Comment Policy: Critical Comments: Anything goes!
Source of music: Improvised accompaniment, improvised solo.
Recording method: I recently upgraded from using my phone to my new Blue Yeti microphone! I just put it on top of my piano and aimed it at my mouth as best as I could.
Additional info: To motivate my daughter to keep practicing flute over the summer, we arranged for a two-family end-of-summer recital, where everyone from our families was to participate. She and her friend did a duet, and I did this song as a voice-guitar duet with the friend's mother on guitar. For this Pianotell recital, I added a piano accompaniment and few additional lyrics based on feedback from some of you. As you may know, I've been working on voice for a few months now, and I think I'm getting better! I'm unfortunately on the tail end of a cold with a lingering cough and sniffles. Sorry for the gross body noises!
Trout Fishing in America is a Houston-based duo that makes fun folk songs and also quite a few children's albums. Here is their version of the song, if you're interested.